Sir George, Where Art Thou Space?
Do you approve to increase the Union Building Fund component (currently at $2.00 per credit) of the Concordia Student Union membership fees each Fall, Winter and Summer semester incrementally by 50 cent per credit over five semesters, beginning in the Winter 2010 semester and ending in the Summer 2012, whereas the fees will be collected in accordance with university tuition and refund policy?
Former President Praises Student Union Building
Students will be voting on increasing the fee to the Student Centre Project from Nov. 23-25. As a civic responsibility, it is imperative that all students vote and have a say as to whether they want to make this a reality now or in the unforeseeable future. -
I don’t know what’s happened to our generation. We’re so cynical about everything. Since when did being opposed to something like WAR become a political opinion? Like there’s no human element to the decision, you know. It seems like anything I could possibly say about any social issue paints me into some sort of political corner.
‘U.S. Gov. No Longer Understands Freedom’
A free government does not demonstrate its cherished ideals by detaining, and then repeatedly harrassing a security researcher with a clean criminal record for defending an accused whistle-blower.
Sex and Pancakes
Dear Melissa,
Despite being in a healthy relationship, I still masturbate almost every day. Is this normal?
—Sticky Fingers -
For perhaps the first time at this university in a very long time, students are talking.
In coffee shops from St. Henri to the Plateau, the discussion has centered this weekend around one topic, muttered in the open and inviting debate: the student centre. -
The Problem With Turning It In
BRANTFORD, Ont. (CUP)—Turnitin.com, the plagiarism detection website contracted for use by numerous high schools and universities, has been facing severe criticism. Issues ranging from the practical to the ethical have caused some students, teachers and campus organizations to voice their dissent following the program’s use in their classrooms.
Misleading Marketing
The construction of the Student Centre, or more appropriately, the Student Union Building, is inevitable.
So there’s a big kerfuffle going on about the new proposal for a student union building. Sure, it’d be nice to have more couches to nap on and a sustainable meth lab (that’s what goes in a student centre, right?), but being the cheap, broke-ass student type, I don’t wanna pay for it.
Freedom to Education
Last Wednesday, Concordia Student Union Council appointed three councilors, including myself, and one student at large to a committee responsible for promoting the use and creation of OpenCourseWare at Concordia.
Why did council vote on creating such an information campaign and what is OCW anyway?