Giffords Shot in Arizona
On Jan. 8, Jared Lee Loughner opened fire into a crowded street corner in Tucson, Arizona. He killed six people and injured thirteen others.
CSU-Admin Relationship History Explains Current Conflict
If the Concordia Student Union’s relationship with the Board of Governors was on Facebook, it would say it’s complicated, to say the least.
Separation of Church & Crib
It should be obvious why the Quebec government wants to ban religious teaching in all publicly subsidized daycares and schools.
Art in Danger
Graffiti had nothing to do with the deaths of Mitchel Bracken-Guenet, Dylan Ford and Ricardo Conesa, but that’s not what the media and Montreal police say.
With the exception of Concordia’s Alumni Association and a handful of other student representatives, the entire Concordia community condemned the process by which our former president has been dismissed.
White Obsession
BANGKOK, THAILAND—Westerners on vacation in Thailand usually get stoked on laying out in the sand at tropical island beaches and getting a sexy tan.
Something in the Water
I’m sure we have all heard some conspiracy theory nut talking about the fluoride in the water blocking our chakra paths and all sorts of mumbo jumbo
Know your board
Concordia’s board of governors, the university’s highest governing body, is composed of 40 individuals drawn from the school and the community around it.
Consequences of BOG’s Actions
The sudden and unexplained departure of the president of the University has left the Concordia community stunned and shocked.