Clay Hemmerich
Will Canada’s Markets Get Monopolized?
Canada’s capital marketplace is bound for a complete overhaul.
Oliver’s All Over It
Does Oliver Cohen’s contestation ruling that ousted the entire newly elected CSU deserve a slap on the back or a slap in the face? My metaphoric hand is yet to be reddened by either of those gestures because I can’t decide if he’s a martyr or just plain silly.
The Slate System Is Flawed
This election season showcased the usual poster night protests and campaign complaints (pre- and post-), but all of these complaints are minor details considering that the whole slate system is flawed.
I have a big problem with your content last week. I once respected all of you, but I take it all back.
Concerning The Link ‘s Integrity
If the Concordia Student Union executive team are North America’s leaders of tomorrow, I’m glad I moved to the Eastern hemisphere.
Huff Po: the McDonalds of News Media
One of news media’s glimmering beacons of hope just went corporate, officially.
Is the STM Selling Out?
Last week, the deadline passed for corporate sponsors to tender their company’s bid to plaster Montreal’s Metro lines with logos
Special Issue
Skateboarding in a Hostile City
Fifteen minutes into a midnight skate session with friends at Peace Park last summer, a homeless man hassled me into doing a kickflip for him. I relented with a pop and a flick, and let my board spin around once.
JMSB Closing Case Competitions
Concordia’s John Molson School of Business Competition Program is teaching business students how to win.
Igms: Crescent Table Talk
What was supposed to be a roundtable discussion at Thursday’s Information General Meeting turned out to be more of a semi-circle in practice
Counterfeit Textbook Ring Busted
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police cracked down on four photocopy stores that doubled as counterfeit textbook dealers in the surrounding Concordia area.
A Room With a View
Concordia students are seldom sun-kissed in the winter as they commute in tunnels and are confined in windowless classrooms
Henry Aubin on Us Damn Kids
Seasoned Gazette columnist Henry Aubin wrote an opinions piece on Jan. 22, tackling the “self-absorbed, less caring Canada of the future” by outlining the findings from a seriously stacked poll.
With the exception of Concordia’s Alumni Association and a handful of other student representatives, the entire Concordia community condemned the process by which our former president has been dismissed.
Safer Sex On Campus
Free condoms, lube, and gloves on campus are becoming a reality, according to Concordia Student Union VP Sustainability and Promotions Morgan Pudwell.
The Coltan Conundrum
The smartphone industry is booming and there is no sign of it slowing down. The mobile phone market is expected to be worth over $200 billion USD in 2013.
White Obsession
BANGKOK, THAILAND—Westerners on vacation in Thailand usually get stoked on laying out in the sand at tropical island beaches and getting a sexy tan.
Fringe Arts
Lit Writ
The end started with a phone call at night.
I was wasting the day for this one because the verdict was in the hands of this girl—the apple of my eye. -
Safe Injection Sites: Aiding Addiction In What Way?
Say what you will about the safe injection site slated to open in Montreal next summer—with or without the approval of the provincial government