Letter to the Editor

File graphic Carl Bindman

Dear Editor-in-Chief of The Link,

As we dig into the Student Power issue, I want to know how you plan to attract a diverse
group of contributors and empower them in their contributions. I did not feel particularly
empowered when I was ghosted by The Link during the editing process of my article about
dental care in Quebec. Last November, after two rounds of edits, my article never made it to
the third and I have yet to get an answer as to when edits would be completed and it could
be published.

I have always loved The Link and what it stands for. When my mother studied at Concordia,
I thought it was the coolest newspaper. I had a great experience working with the video team
in the fall of last year, they were supportive and helpful with my first contribution project. I will
never forget it. However, my experience in November and those of others, point to a
surprising conclusion: The Link is an exclusive members-only club.

Cliques, favoritism, intimidation, etc. The reality behind the scenes at The Link is far from
that of its mandate: inclusivity, diversity, and equality. If no efforts are made to find, forge,
and maintain powerful connections with students from other disciplines, The Link is just a
bunch of “all-knowing” journalists who seek to represent the interests of an entire student
body. No different than mainstream media. If The Link wants to empower students, it has to
leave its journalism bubble and encourage other students to make meaningful contributions.
You may be inclined to claim that you are “just students”, but many of you also get a small
sum for the work you do. You are not just students, you are employees too. I know The
Link’s mandate is being revised, which is hugely important, and that a meeting was held on
July 9th. I should probably have voiced my concerns there. However, I do not have the time
to show up for a publication that cannot give its contributors the time of day.

It is a new year with new staff, presenting a chance to turn over a new leaf. In this upcoming
year, how do you plan to foster inclusivity and equality in the management practices of The
Link? What will you do to actively seek diversity among contributors and maintain good
relationships with them?

Hope Emily Cornell

This article originally appeared in Volume 45, Issue 1, published September 3, 2024.