Laura Beeston – The Link

Laura Beeston

  • Opinions

    Who Runs the World?

    Last year, the United Nations got together to adopt a resolution that International Day of the Girl would forevermore be observed on Oct. 11 to raise awareness of the situation of girls around the world.

  • Opinions

    Rona: Doing It Wrong

    The year may be 2012, but an abortion debate in this country seems far from over.

  • Opinions

    Let’s Get Growing

    They told me it would be like this, but I didn’t believe them.

  • Opinions

    Budget Coverage Slanted Penny-Wise

    As the Conservative budget came down last week, the media was aflutter with the numeric details as they emerged.

  • Opinions

    The Student Stalemate

    Before last night, Line Beauchamp was arguably the most sought after interview in the province of Quebec.

  • News

    Another Petition, Another GA

    It’s back to the assembly for Concordia students next week.

  • Opinions

    Violence Breeds Violence

    It’s pretty clear that this year’s Anti-Police Brutality demonstration on March 15 was absolutely brutal, and will go down in the books as one of the most needlessly aggressive protests many of our reporters have ever witnessed.

  • News

    Shut ‘Er Down

    Concordia University announced it will be shutting down on March 22 for the province-wide protest against the increasing tuition fees.

  • Opinions


    We’ve learned the hard way this week that democracy is no guarantee, even when everybody wants it.
    We could dwell on a General Assembly marred with logistical failures and short attention spans, but to do so would be counter-productive at this point. It’s done; and we are in the middle of something big.

  • Opinions

    (Another) Two Million Dollar Story

    It’s extremely important that everyone in the Concordia community know that the incompetence of our Board of Governors, the highest body in power at our school, has screwed students and faculty over once again, this time to the tune of two million dollars.

  • News

    The Many Shades of Strike

    At the controversial Concordia Student Union General Assembly on March 7, two things happened: a minority of undergraduate students voted to strike against increasing tuition fees, and an anti-strike movement was born.

  • News

    Students Unite Against a Strike

    After the controversial Concordia Student Union general assembly on March 7, two things happened: a minority of undergraduate students voted to go on a five-day strike, and the anti-strike movement began.

  • News

    WSSA to Strike a Second Week

    The Women’s Studies Student Association held a second General Assembly March 9 and unanimously voted to extend their strike mandate to March 23.

  • News

    #CSU12 Debate

    After an extremely tame poster night by Concordia Student Union election standards, executive hopefuls from both A Better Concordia and Concordia Could Be held a debate Thursday and made their platforms public.

  • News

    Profs and Picketing

    With six student-run faculty associations (and counting) officially adopting strike mandates on tuition increases following General Assemblies last week, the boycotting of classes at Concordia has officially begun.

  • News

    Let the Strikes Begin

    Thousands of Concordia students will be hitting the polls in the coming days to vote on whether to strike against rising tuition fees.

  • News

    Grassroot General Assemblies

    Throughout the week, general assemblies and meetings of nearly a dozen student associations will be taking place to discuss strike mandates against tuition increases.

  • News

    ASFA CEO Resigns on First Day of General Election Polling

    Before polls opened on Feb. 15, the first day of the Arts and Science Federation of Associations general election, Chief Electoral Officer Christopher Webster announced his resignation.

  • Special Issue

    Perverse Pleasures

    Fetish, kink, freak—whatever you call it, and whatever you feel about it—is actually everywhere. Permeating our physical bodies, punctuating our pleasures and playing a real part in the power dynamics all around us, kinkiness remains

  • Special Issue

    What’s to Come

    You might have been shocked by our cover.

    You might have also asked yourself, is this how The Link actually sees queer identity?