Fringe Arts
Fringe Arts
At what point do useful objects become unwanted?
This is a question that exhibition Grade, displayed at Parisian Laundry, asks its viewer to ponder.
Grade is a mixed media exhibit that plays with ideas of efficiency versus inefficiency and practicality versus impracticality. -
Fringe Arts
Fuck The Police
By bringing an amplifier, a sampler and a tweaked out sense of psychedelic-infused electronica to street corners around Concordia University and the Montreal region, Cop Car Bonfire brings a new approach to the act of busking.
Fringe Arts
Cinema du Parc Celebrates Music
“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
Nietzsche said it first, but Let It Beat!, a cinematic retrospective that will unfold at Cinema du Parc, proves it.
Without music, a film falls flat, and without film, songs would not have the cinematic richness that infuses their ideals and characterizations. Let’s face it—music and film need each other. -
Fringe Arts
The Intangible Quarterly
Two weeks ago at Writers Read, a question was posed to the Concordia creative writing alumni on the discussion panel about the death of the book. Mike Spry, who runs the Summer Literary Seminars based out of Concordia, was quick to respond, saying that he didn’t think the book would die out, but that the literary journal definitely would.
Fringe Arts
Local Film Gives Montreal Minorities a Cinematic Voice
Non-art house Canadian cinema gets no respect. Whether it’s us trying out romantic comedies like Men With Brooms, buddy-cop flicks such as Bon Cop, Bad Cop or caper films like Foolproof, you can’t help but feel that the results, no matter how entertaining, are just the goofy little cousins of American blockbusters.
Fringe Arts
Minimal and Surreal
Isobel and Emile is a story that begins at the end of a love affair.
Emile leaves for the city. Isobel stays behind. Emile is a puppeteer. In the city, he’ll brood on the love that he left and try to make some sense of it in his work. Isobel will deal with the silence left by the absence of Emile. -
Fringe Arts
Triplet Writ
Smooth over what comes apart,
smooth it over,
and with gentle hands she does
just that: one palm flat against
her mouth, holding everything in. -
Fringe Arts
Montreal-based Suuns release full-length debut album
Montreal band The Suuns is breaking into the music scene with their debut full-length album entitled Zeros QC. With a distinctive and psychedelic sound, these guys are the next big thing in the indie-rock scene.
Fringe Arts
Harmonious Fusion
With Halloween just around the corner and Mexico’s Day of the Dead right after it, the vernissage Inside the Altar fuses North American culture and Mexican folklore to create a space where these two worlds can coexist harmoniously.
Fringe Arts
The Pitfalls of Becoming Mainstream
The soul of an indie band dissipates with success—or does it?
With success in the music industry come accusations from indie fans of being commercial sell-outs, followed by the dreaded classification of being declared “mainstream.”