Fringe Arts
Fringe Arts
Original Synapse
In the brain, synapses pass electrical signals from one neuron to another. In Montreal, Synapse, a new reading series created by poet and Concordia writing professor Sina Queyras, aims to inject some excitement into the literary community by encouraging the transfer of literature from local writers to a captive audience.
Fringe Arts
Andrusyshyn’s Mammoth Up for Award
Mammoth, much of which acts as a eulogy for Andrusyshyn’s father, balances absurdist, magical realism-inspired comedic elements with the solemnity of that absence.
Fringe Arts
Montreal After Mordecai
Take a poll of readers, critics and authors on which writer’s work is most strongly associated with Montreal, and watch as the hands go up to proclaim Mordecai Richler king of the city’s literature.
Fringe Arts
Combative Narrative
Combat Camera is the first novel by A.J. Somerset. It concerns Lucas Zane, once a praised war-photographer, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, now a broken man who’s turned to drinking, fighting off his demons, and shooting low-budget pornography to pay the rent.
Fringe Arts
The Link Talks to Paul Almond
It is not surprising that film critic Roger Ebert called Seven Up! “possibly the most important television film ever made.”
Fringe Arts
Tickle Trunk
When was the last time you completely indulged only one of your senses? CKUT’s Magic Sound Box will allow you to do just that.
Fringe Arts
Fracked Up
“Only in an Orwellian world would you expect this.”
Unlucky for us, Gasland does not take place in George Orwell’s novel, 1984, but in current day America.
What do you do when you are offered $100,000 dollars to allow hydraulic fracturing (or fracking) on your 19.5 acres of land? -
Fringe Arts
Local Artists Don’t Want Your Bright Ideas to Die
Good ideas don’t die; they get placed in a shoebox or are relegated to the furthest corners of your laptop’s RAM.
Fringe Arts
The Strange Tale of the Magical Invisible Book
On Tuesday, Nov. 9, 30-year-old Concordia alumna Johanna Skibsrud won the Scotiabank Giller Prize, Canada’s most prestigious literary award, for her debut novel, The Sentimentalists.
Fringe Arts
Author Mary Gaitskill Gives Master Class at ConU
Mary Gaitskill set her gaze over a room of 30 students. There was a feeling in the room that those present were lucky to be in Gaitskill’s presence; the 30-person crowd was not accidental, but the result of a strict cap.