Fringe Arts
Fringe Arts
Avey Tare
Down There
Paw Tracks
The opening track on Avey Tare’s solo foray, Down There, might bring to your mind strange images of dungeons and other things suited to medieval nights. However, his confident and heavily reverbed voice quickly assures the listener that Tare knows exactly what he is doing and where he wants to take his audience. -
Fringe Arts
A Print You Can Believe In
In 2008, graphic artist Shepard Fairey did what hours of attack ads and millions of campaign dollars couldn’t: he energized people about politics. Fairey’s Obama “Hope” poster likely helped launch the current U.S. President into public office. And he did it for free. -
Fringe Arts
Black Mountain Aren’t Hippies Anymore
Black Mountain is giving Canadians reasons to get excited about our music scene.
Starting off as that cool and trippy up-and-coming band from the West Coast, they are now catapulting to new heights with global success.
Fringe Arts
Series Business
Concordia is home to a host of pretty left-wing, hippy-dippy groovy enterprises to better the lives of its students. Consider: the Really, Really Free Market, The People’s Potato, The Hive, Le Frigo Vert, and so on. Well, there’s another one to consider: The Concordia Community Solidarity Co-operative Bookstore.
Fringe Arts
Quick read
One May 5, every person in the world is struck with a blinding headache. When this planet-wide brain pain clears, the Earth’s population finds itself experiencing a strange, new ability: Sharing their memories with another person.
Fringe Arts
Lit Writ
Life is but a war of the souls,Thirsty for love,
Hungry for affection,
Striving hard to be in control,
To be the one who gets all the attention, -
Fringe Arts
An Ode to les Artistes
What would a world without art be like?
Whether we appreciate it or not, art is all around us. It is challenging our world, our identity and our consciousness—and just making things more beautiful. -
Fringe Arts
In a film fest that takes pride in its weirdness and originality, Bruce LaBruce’s L.A. Zombie might just take the prize for the strangest film. LaBruce’s film is a strange gay porn gorefest that will likely puzzle and frustrate many.
Fringe Arts
You can call it a film geek’s wet dream or you can call it movie overload.
Le Festival Du Nouveau Cinema has been, over the past decade, the most progressive film festival in Montreal. -
Fringe Arts
Festival du Nouveau Cinema
With computational matter as his paintbrush, local multimedia artist Navid Navab experiments with sound and how we perceive it.
Navab studied electro-acoustics at Concordia last year. “No matter what, I always try to make sure there is enough for the audience to delve into,” he said.