Montreal-based Suuns release full-length debut album | Fringe Arts – The Link

Montreal-based Suuns release full-length debut album

    Montreal band The Suuns is breaking onto the music scene with their debut full-length album entitled Zeros QC. With a distinctive and psychedelic sound, these guys are the next big thing in the indie-rock scene.

    Led by vocalist Ben Shemie, the quartet is currently tearing up North America. Having recently finished off their west coast segment of the tour, they returned home to Montreal on Sunday, Oct. 24 for their album’s release at La Sala Rosa.
    The album is a blend of various influences that turn out to form a groundbreaking atmospheric rock. “Between us four guys in the band, we have such a huge and diverse background, with influences raging from electronic to jazz, but we all obviously grew up on rock and roll so at the end of the day, it’s a rock band,” said vocalist Ben Shemie.
    The band was formed three years ago with Ben Shemie playing alongside his mates, Liam O’Neill, Max Henry and Joseph Yarmush.
    “We all connected on a personal level and talked about playing something together. I went to music school and met Liam and max at McGill, so we all kind of related from a common academic background. We actually played jazz together before we started a rock band,” Shemie said about the band’s roots.
    “Right now we’re all kind of at the beginning of this journey, trying to keep a positive attitude knowing we’re still only at the beginning, and trying to keep things in perspective. From a personal level, it’s exciting and we think we’re really lucky to be on tour right now”.
    Until recently the band was called Zeroes, but changed that when they realized there are many bands who share that name. When they signed for record label Secretly Canadian, they decided it was best to change it to Suuns due to legal issues. Despite the change, they kept the essence of their original name—Suuns actually means “zeroes” in Thai.
    The band has been working hard touring across North America and in building up to their album release, and with upcoming shows in New York, Toronto and Boston, these guys have every intention of making it to the top.
    “We hope to make another record soon, I think next year were going to be touring a lot. We’re touring Europe in February and we’ll be back here for a tour in the spring. In the near future it’s going to be mostly playing a lot and that’s exciting. In the kind of bigger picture, from like a year or two, we definitely want to have a new album out. In terms of the even bigger picture, who knows? Fuck, I mean it’s so early on, and we’re trying to take it as it comes and enjoy the whole thing.”

    You can check out The Suuns’ music at their Myspace (