The average Canadian spends around 275 hours a year commuting, but if you’re a Concordia student that’s just your weekly commute.
What’s A Picture Worth, Again?
In case you’ve ever wondered whether or not using someone’s photograph without their permission and without attributing it to them was stealing, let me clear that up for you right now.
Editorial: What We Want Out of City Hall
If all those placard faces weren’t enough of a hint, it’s officially municipal election season in Quebec.
Popping Bottles: It’s Over 9,000!
If recent allegations about a certain extravagant end-of-the-year party are true, last year’s CSU executives may have left us with one last lapse of judgment to marvel at.
If you commute on two wheels, you know you can’t help that judgmental feeling as you approach a Bixi rider…
The City Should Pay in Students’ Class Action Suit
The City of Montreal ought to pay what is being asked of them; they ought to give back to those who had their rights infringed upon so grievously by those who were supposed to be protecting them.
So it’s the beginning of the semester, and everyone is experiencing the same shtick.
Catholics Get Free Pass With Charter of Values
True multiculturalism means accepting that there are some things you will never fully understand about the people you share your country with. But it seems the Parti Québécois never got that memo.
Four Wheels Good, Two Wheels Better
As the Nov. 3 municipal election draws closer and closer, more candidates have begun to outline their promising-yet-possibly-unattainable campaign promises.
Editorial: Labour Relations Need Good Faith
It’s no secret that the labour climate at Concordia leaves much to be desired. But if things are to ever get better, now is the time.