Erin Sparks
Healing the Appeal of Two Wheels
We may not be out of the wintry woods just yet, but if the hundred-odd attendees at last Tuesday’s panel on cycling in the city are any indication, the minds of Montrealers are turning back to biking once again.
Special Issue
Cycle City
In a city where metro shutdowns and painfully long lines for the 105 bus are seemingly constant problems, sometimes the fastest (and most enjoyable) way to get where you’re going is on two wheels. Whether you’re cycling just for the heck of it, or using it as your main means of transportation, Montreal is a great place to experience by bike.
Losing a Heritage Building, Gaining Student Residences
Last Monday, Michael Sochaczevski got some good news.
FASA Votes to Join ASSÉ
Following a vote last week, Concordia’s Fine Arts Student Alliance will join the Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante, the most militant of Quebec’s major student federations.
Special Issue
The Transition Transmission
“Salut, aujourd’hui on fait la sixième injection,” Étienne says, pointing to a vial of testosterone, an alcohol swab and a sterile needle.
Special Issue
This Should Ease the Pain a Little
For Alex Manley, the decision to speak to someone in Concordia’s office of Counselling and Development came after the government ran a campaign raising awareness about mental illness. The campaign featured…
Imagine you’re sitting in a room, minding your own beeswax and listening to some sweet Blink-182 tunes or whatever.
Ending the ‘Boycott’
During the 2012 student strike the word “boycott” was thrown around by those opposing it, in contrast to those who saw the legitimacy of student action and referred to it as a strike.
Conned by the Moratorium
In theory, the drastic decreases in rentable units in areas like La Petite-Patrie should not exist, as Montreal has had a condo moratorium in place since 1975.
I love the outdoors as much as the next person, but this means that every time I leave my apartment I have to face my own Public Enemy No. 1: the sidewalk. Or, more specifically, the absence of salt on this skating rink you call a sidewalk.
Is the Charter of Quebec Values a Feminist Initiative?
Pearl Eliadis minced no words when she stood in front of roughly 60 people last Thursday and stated that, “Bill 60 utterly fails to achieve gender equality…
Illuminating the Shadows
On an October night in 1975, Philadelphia microbiologist Susan Alexander Speeth was stabbed by a stranger only a block from her home.
Levant Doesn’t Deserve NASH Keynote
I’m not opposed to hearing opinions I disagree with, or listening to different takes on the state of the Canadian media, but there is a big difference between a divergent opinion and hate speech.
A Step in the Right Direction
For some, hearing the words “Community University Television”—as it’s now known—or “CUTV” first brings to mind the abundance of footage produced by the station during the 2012 student strike.
Special Issue
The Maple Spring Revisited
Of all the things I witnessed during the 2012 student strike, the most powerful image I can recall comes from the March 22 rally.
A salad has green things in it. A salad has vegetables. A salad does not consist of cold pasta and mayonnaise.
Concordia’s Charbonneau Connection
Despite allegations of corruption against Genivar, the university has continued to include them in its construction projects.
What’s A Picture Worth, Again?
In case you’ve ever wondered whether or not using someone’s photograph without their permission and without attributing it to them was stealing, let me clear that up for you right now.
The City Should Pay in Students’ Class Action Suit
The City of Montreal ought to pay what is being asked of them; they ought to give back to those who had their rights infringed upon so grievously by those who were supposed to be protecting them.