Nerd In The Hall
For The Link’s first-ever Nerd Special Issue we decided to take to the halls of Concordia and find out what how nerdy ConU students actually are. We asked students what the nerdiest thing about them was. Here’s what they said.
I love Tim Horton’s. It’s a wonderful, magical place where the holes in the bagels are formed by magical unicorns thrusting through the dough with their glimmering horns while magical fairies urinate coffee into the pots. It’s basically Disneyland for the taste buds.
Sex and Pancakes
My girlfriend and I (a lesbian couple) talk about fisting sometimes and we both really want to try giving and getting it but I don’t want to fuck it up the first time and never get to try again. I’ve tried looking online but it’s hard to get through all the stupid forum responses. Can you tell me how to safely fist my lover?
Ask Not for Whom the Bridge Tolls—It Tolls for Thee
Montreal’s infrastructure is falling apart—the streets resemble a piece of Swiss cheese, the potholes are so big they have their own potholes and a few of the city’s bridges have been hanging by a thread for a while now.
The Coverage Conundrum
The movement against the stark inequality of our population, created by the capitalist and corporate system, is occupying everywhere these days—including the
Twitter feeds, headlines and front-pages of almost every major news source. -
A Paper Tiger
When the Occupy Wall Street movement came to Montreal this Saturday, it came bearing a confused message—one that is unlikely to result in any sort of change, let alone lead to any progress.
So, a girl goes out and parties hard downtown, stays ‘til last call and is now trekking home alone to the Mile-End. All of a sudden she spots a group of five guys up ahead. They obviously spend considerable amounts of time pumping iron (they’re fucking jacked!) and those tight, Ed Hardy v-necks…
We’re a reasonably radical group here at The Link, so it takes a lot for us to write off any fight–the–man protest. But after some of our journalists returned from Occupy Wall Street, it was not uncommon to hear the phrase, “fucking hippies” bandied about the office.
People, Power, Politics & Protest
From the American Revolution to Tahrir Square, everyday citizens have brought on many great moments of sweeping historical change. As the foundation and centrepiece of all political power, with every institution existing for their benefit, it is the obligation of the citizen to assert their individual and collective sovereignty in the face of institutional power.
Oh Hell No, NatPo!
On Sept. 28, the National Post ran a full-page advertisement from the Institute for Canadian Values, a right-wing think-tank “dedicated to advancing knowledge of public policy issues from a Judeo-Christian intellectual and moral perspective.”