Slippery Discourse
Whether you read the newspaper, watch the news or simply find yourself leaving your business classes with a head full of stats, you’re probably under the impression that there are some serious problems with the global economy right now.
So, a girl goes out and parties hard downtown, stays ‘til last call and is now trekking home alone to the Mile-End.
That Transexual Guy
Goods news, Concordia! I start hormones on Oct. 26. Are you excited for me? If you are, congratulate me! Really, do. It’s a good thing. It means that you are acknowledging my struggle and patting me on the back.
From Chair to Chair
In the wake of last year’s controversial dismissal of Concordia President Judith Woodsworth, much optimism surrounded the future of Concordia University’s Board of Governors.
The ConU Powder Keg
Concordia’s top decision-making body, the Board of Governors, claims to have reformed itself by passing a set of bylaw changes. But does this mean Concordia University’s governance crisis is over?
Don’t bet on it. -
The Meaning Behind the Movement
The province-wide student demonstration slotted for Nov. 10 is now only weeks away. In preparation for protest, it is crucial that students ask what they are protesting against, what their goals are and how they can be achieved.
An Unholy Mistake
The federal government recently announced it would be establishing the Office of Religious Freedoms. While in theory the creation of such an office appears to be both progressive and beneficial, it seems like
Hush-Hush in Hampstead
The religious freedoms of Hampstead residents took a hit last Thursday when the Montreal town’s councillors modified its “no noise” bylaw, limiting excessive noise from lawnmowers, leaf-blowers and other loud equipment, especially during statutory holidays.
Let’s Talk About Scabs
When McGill University and the McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association stood before Quebec’s Labour Board last Thursday, it became evident that our province’s “anti-scab” laws, along with the power allotted to the unions that brought them into existence, are in dire need of a facelift.