Pierre Chauvin – The Link

Pierre Chauvin

  • Fear and Loathing at Concordia

    In 1985, Hunter S. Thompson, the father of so-called “Gonzo Journalism,” came to Concordia to give a lecture.

  • News

    From the Archives:

    The 1985 Hunter S. Thompson exclusive interview has achieved legendary status at The Link. We found the writer, 28 years later, appraising wine in the Netherlands. Watch the video to learn the story…

  • News

    From The Archives: Anti-Police Brutality

    The annual Anti-Police Brutality march has been an institution for the past 17 years. Here’s a look back at notable events from past demonstrations

  • Anti-Police Brutality

    The annual Anti-Police Brutality march has been an institution for the past 17 years. Here’s a look back at notable events from past demonstrations

  • News

    Montreal Police Spends $6,500 on Promoting New Uniforms

    The Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal spent more than $6,500 to promote the new black uniforms, according to documents The Link obtained under the Access to Information Act.

  • The 10 Link Covers You Need to See

    In its 33 years of existence, The Link has accumulated an impressive amount of archives. Provocative, historical, timely or just funny, here are 10 memorable covers from The Link and The Georgian (The Link ’s ancestor).

  • News

    Maple Spring 2.0?

    It’s that time of year again, and the question is looming. Is Quebec about to witness Round Two of what is now referred to as “the strike” or the Maple Spring—a series of student protests that made headlines worldwide, and quite literally rocked the province?

  • VIDEO: The First Queer Issue

    The Link ‘s first Queer Issue in 1982 ignited a storm of controversy, and has become a yearly tradition ever since.

  • Special Issue

    VIDEO: The First Queer Issue

    The Link ‘s first Queer Issue in 1982 ignited a storm of controversy, and has become a yearly tradition ever since. We interviewed Karen Herland, who wrote for the issue, about the atmosphere at the time and what she thinks about the situation today.

  • News

    CSN Demonstrates Against MUHC Cuts

    Around 200 Confédération des syndicats nationaux workers demonstrated at Norman Bethune Square against the cuts to the McGill University Health Centre around noon on Wednesday.

  • The 1986 Tuition Freeze

    On April 17, 1986, The Link published a special “Crisis Issue“—named as such because we didn’t usually have a print issue in April—reporting on a disguised tuition hike announced by the Concordia administration.

  • Opinions

    Locking Roddick Gates

    McGill University’s decision to ask for special powers regarding Access to Information requests filed by some McGill students and reporters from The McGill Daily and The Link has been covered extensively. But a more general discussion about the usefulness of ATI requests has been missing.

  • The CFS Saga

    The current legal fight between the Concordia Student Union and the Canadian Federation of Students reflects their rocky relationship since the CSU joined the CFS.

  • News

    From the Archives:

    The Education Summit promised by the Parti Québécois is only weeks away, so we’re looking back over a decade to see how it’s been done before.

  • Bouchard’s Youth Summit on Education

    The fight over universities’ funding is recurrent in Quebec, and similar summits have happened before. In February 2000, the Bouchard government decided to organize a Youth Summit in Quebec City.

  • The Polytechnique Shooting

    Thirteen years ago, on Dec. 6, 1989, an armed man entered Montreal’s École Polytechnique and went on a shooting rampage, killing 14 women and injuring 14 other people.

  • News

    Service Industry Speaks Out Against Tax Hikes

    The Quebec government’s decision to increase taxes on alcohol for bars and restaurants isn’t sitting well with the local tourism industry.

  • Opinions


    There is one thing I don’t understand about the Societé du transport de Montréal’s buses: Why do drivers feel the need to slow down by slamming the brakes like it’s the apocalypse?

  • CUTV’s Troubled History

    It’s not the first time that CUTV, the oldest student-run TV station in Canada, has found itself in trouble.

  • The Student Centre

    The issue of student space at Concordia and the project of a student centre is nothing new.