Heard in the Hall
The Link went to the Concordia Student Union sleep-in in the Webster Library and asked: Do you think that a sleep-in is an effective form of protest?
It came to my attention last week, in the wake of the tragic death of the escalators in the Hall Building (requiescat in pace) that a certain number of Concordia students don’t know how to use a pretty basic, time-honoured human invention—the stairs.
Media Misinformation
The coverage of university issues in Quebec is getting increasingly one-sided as the mainstream media struggle to cover complicated issues without a glaring bias.
A Land Apart
Israeli Apartheid Week aims to raise awareness about the nature of Israel as an apartheid state and give people the tools to put their education into action via
Red Red Whine
There has been a lot of griping and confusion lately about how “undemocratic” General Assemblies being held by the Concordia Student Union and other student associations are.
Concordia Bog
Whether it’s Peter Kruyt shouting down student reps, Rita de Santis peacocking about the board room and calling students “losers” or Robert Barnes telling students to stop “pissing people off,” meetings of Concordia’s Board of Governors are rarely dull.
I love live music, the whole experience of it. The people you meet at concerts are usually pretty stellar human beings as well. But without fail there are always a few Buzz Killingtons that manage to sneak into every show and put a damper on things.
Panda-ing to the Masses
There’s nothing like a cute, chubby panda pup tumbling about in lush bamboo to make you forget the ethical issues in friendly relations with China
There’s been some talk in the press lately about students who are pro-tuition hike.
Jewish Guilt vs. Catholic Guilt
I’m really sorry about this. I’m just going to get that out of the way.