There were a lot of fast facts and assumptions flying around last Thursday’s Anti-Police Brutality March among the pops of concussion grenades and clouds of pepper spray, but the worst among them was that the student movement against tuition hikes was somehow responsible for the mindless destruction of our city.
Violence Breeds Violence
It’s pretty clear that this year’s Anti-Police Brutality demonstration on March 15 was absolutely brutal, and will go down in the books as one of the most needlessly aggressive protests many of our reporters have ever witnessed.
Sex and Pancakes
The question of consequences for public sex has come up a few times lately so I decided to check with three different sources: the police, Concordia University and a movie theatre in the downtown core—who, for reasons that’ll become clear, wished to remain unnamed.
Spare the Vote & Spoil the Ballot
It’s sort of an awkward time for the Concordia Student Union.
Striking Failure
As of last Thursday, members of the Concordia Student Union started a weeklong strike against tuition hikes.
Things That Go Bang in the Crowd
If you are in the fray of a peaceful protest and find yourself thinking ‘who are these assholes throwing shit for no reason’? The answer is probably the Black Bloc. Like the name suggests they dress all in black, come in groups and fuck shit up.
What Are Your Rights During a Strike?
So, you’re on strike. Do you know what your rights are? The Link sat down with Student Advocacy Centre representative Andy Filipowich to find out about your rights during a strike.
We’ve learned the hard way this week that democracy is no guarantee, even when everybody wants it.
We could dwell on a General Assembly marred with logistical failures and short attention spans, but to do so would be counter-productive at this point. It’s done; and we are in the middle of something big.