That Transsexual Guy
I was at the supermarket a few years ago and I saw this tabloid headline: “World’s First Pregnant Man.”
I come to tell you of a great tragedy, one that has gone undiscussed, unrevealed to the public eye for too long. For decades innocent humans have suffered under the tyranny of St. Valentine, their pain untalked about in the media, their misery shunned.
When a contingent of 23 students took over the sixth floor of McGill University’s James Administration Building last Tuesday, their actions initially seemed warranted.
Heard in the Hall
If the CSU’s anti-tuition hike strike goes on for a prolonged period of time, how would an extended semester affect you?
Bigger is Better: This is About More Than Just Tuition
The upcoming student general strike against the $1,625 tuition fee hike in Quebec should be taken seriously by anyone who wants to win this fight.
Tax the Fat
Faced with a growing obesity epidemic, Canadians clearly need more reasons to put down their Pepsis and chocolate bars. As widening waistlines have proven insufficient motivation, perhaps the solution is to hit people where it really hurts—in their wallets.
Cameras in the Courtroom
Like a referee going over an instant replay in hockey, videos of the Vancouver riot on Jun. 15, 2011 are being looked over meticulously by the Vancouver Police Department, and the viewing public are yelling at their televisions, wanting to be involved.
Sex & Pancakes
My girlfriend and I have a healthy, active sex life that is fully satisfying. However, we have tried to expand it in several ways, including blindfolding and sex in public. I am writing you to ask your suggestions of other mildly kinky things to try. —Kinky on the Brain
To paraphrase a terribly old and just plain terrible TV show: smile, Board of Governors! You’re on incredibly obvious camera, and the people filming you are the students of the university you rule over.