Very often, the Internet is hilarious. It’s just that when it’s not—which happens just as frequently—it can be so fucking in-your-face stupid that you want to take a machine gun to the iCloud gods and cut off all communication between you and the meme-crazed idiots of the world.
Let the Sun Go Down
Last week, the Sun News Network reported that the Francophone branch of the Canadian Broadcast Corporation, Radio-Canada, was using taxpayer money to air so-called “pornography.”
Sex & Pancakes
I’m a 24-year-old woman and my boyfriend won’t kiss me after I give him head. My mouth grosses him out after he finishes in it and I don’t know if it should bother me but it does. Is there anything I can do?
—Feeling Mouthy -
Old Age Insecurity
In 1959, Canada welcomed 461,703 little bundles of joy into the world. This was our country’s biggest baby boom and, given declining birth rates, will probably hold down its place in the record books until the end of time.
The Man Pill
I have a serious question for the males out there who could, theoretically, impregnate their sexual partners: How many of you would actually take a shot to the scrotum, or an ultrasound to the nuts, in order to assume contraceptive control of your sexual relationship?
CSU’s Anti-Hike Campaign Will Do More Harm Than Good
The Concordia Student Union is fighting a losing battle against tuition hikes with an irresponsible approach that is likely to do more harm than good.
Gag Order
The student-led movement against tuition hikes in Quebec is set to take a turn that is both hypocritical and quasi-fascist.
As I’m sure my legions of fans at Concordia have noticed, my byline has been absent from this fine publication for a few weeks now.
I’m not quite sure who brought it up, but there’s a concept from the Student Council meeting last Wednesday that really stuck with me.
Heard in the Hall
In keeping with our special sustainability issue, we asked students what further initiatives do they think ConU could take to be more sustainable?