Julia Wolfe
Paying the President
On Oct. 11 the Journal de Quebec reported that Concordia University’s presidential salary is getting bumped up a notch.
Talking With the Presidents
For the monthly Talking With the Presidents series, Julia Wolfe sat with Concordia’s President and the Student Union’s president to talk about reviews, resignations and getting settled.
Sitting on the Senate
The Senate, Concordia’s highest academic governing body, met last Friday in what may have been the shortest meeting in the body’s 30-some-year history. Here’s hoping the student union can learn from their friends down the street.
A Contentious Council
To those who don’t sit on council, hold an executive title or know some of those people intimately, the first regular Concordia Student Union Council meeting of the academic year raised a lot of questions.
Security Complaints Dropped
Concordia announced that it will be dropping all strike-related charges filed by security against a group of students Tuesday afternoon.
GSA Fights Back Against Charges
Graduate Students’ Association President Daria Saryan sent her counterpart, Concordia University President Alan Shepard, a public letter Thursday, asking him to drop all charges related to the strike.
Tuition Hike Questions Remain
There’s been a lot of talk about victory since Premier-Elect Pauline Marois announced her plan to freeze tuition in Quebec. And while…
Fringe Arts
The Long Con
For a convention that’s only turning five, this year’s Montreal Comiccon has a hell of a line-up. And like any festival that’s worth its salt, it can be a bit dizzying to pick out the must-see events.
Waiting in Limbo
Like 45,000 others, the 26 Concordia students charged by the university for their actions during the strikes head back to class Wednesday. They just have no idea for how long.
GGI Crash Course
Luckily for you, we’ve put together a timeline detailing ghost of grèves past to provide the confidence you need to drop some serious strike knowledge when your aunt goes off about those “whining students” at the next family dinner.
VP Lexus
Continuing a long tradition of fiscal responsibility, Concordia spent almost $40,000 on a new car for VP Institutional Relations and Secretary-General Bram Freedman this year. And it’s a perk all VP’s can take advantage of.
Underwhelmed and Overheating
Another Day of Action on June 22 saw people across the province demonstrate in what has become a monthly tradition of large-scale, coordinated protests.
No Thanks, Says CSU
The Concordia Student Union voted unanimously at a special council meeting on May 8 to reject the Charest government’s recent tuition offer.
The Most Awkward Job Interview
As presidential candidate Dr. Alan Shepard addressed Concordia April 27 via conference call, there seemed to be one word that student politicos and reporters…
Fringe Arts
Montreal Meets Two
Montreal Meets Two kicks off this Saturday, bringing in acclaimed digital artists from around the world for the second annual design conference.
This has not been a great year for Concordia. Our school spent huge bags of money firing administrators—so much money that even the notoriously corrupt Quebec government accused Concordia of financial mismanagement and slapped the school with a $2 million fine.
Talking With the Presidents
As Your Concordia vacates their offices on the seventh floor of the Hall Building, A Better Concordia is figuring out how to represent the students in a university on the eve of sweeping administration change. The Link sat down with Lex Gill and Schubert Laforest…
A Better Concordia on Its Way
All of the A Better Concordia executive team was voted into office in the wee hours of March 24, making Shubert Laforest the preliminary Student Union president-elect.