Julia Wolfe
Not-So-Busy Ballot Boxes
General elections for the Concordia Student Union began yesterday, a fact many students seemed unaware of.
Spare the Vote & Spoil the Ballot
It’s sort of an awkward time for the Concordia Student Union.
Student Reps Walk Out of Closed Session Vote
After being encouraged to bring cameras to the action last week, students hoping for a transparency showdown with Concordia’s Board of Governors couldn’t tape much action.
Board Meeting Cancelled
Students hoping for a showdown with Concordia’s Board of Governors were let down when the Feb. 10 meeting was canceled after four student representatives walked out to break quorum.
Very often, the Internet is hilarious. It’s just that when it’s not—which happens just as frequently—it can be so fucking in-your-face stupid that you want to take a machine gun to the iCloud gods and cut off all communication between you and the meme-crazed idiots of the world.
There’s a chill in the air, twinkly lights line the houses and blood is actively pouring from the ears of anyone who works in Christmas-friendly retail. And while most of us will finish finals and begin the inevitable self-reflection that comes with a new year, those most deserving of coal could probably use a little guidance.
For those of us invested in the fight against tuition hikes, Nov. 10 was an amazing day. Tens of thousands of students and allies marched, despite abysmal weather, to show Premier Jean Charest and the Liberals that we’re not going to take this without a fight. But now it feels like we’re in a weird sort of post-Day of Action limbo.
Gated Coverage
As a university newspaper, The Link regularly reports on topics with a very specific readership in mind. Students pay for these pages, fill them with content, pick them up, and read them. The paper in your hands is Concordia University’s Independent Student Newspaper. It only makes sense …
Forgive me if I’m pointing out the obvious, but the people who run Greyhound need to spend an eternity burning in hellfire while birds poke out their eyes and New York subway rats gnaw on their feet.
That may sound a bit harsh, but it would be a better fate than having to ride one of their buses. -
Special Issue
King of the Blogosphere
Every morning at 7:00 a.m., François Hoang wakes up, checks his email, gets dressed and—without coffee—sits down at his home office. Then he makes sure that his blog is still running smoothly. With between 100,000 and 200,000 views a week, it’s a pretty important thing to do.
Special Issue
It’s Never Been Cooler To Be Uncool
Since the advent of hipster culture, every 20-year-old with a trust fund and a tank top let the world know that mainstream culture sucks.
We’re a reasonably radical group here at The Link, so it takes a lot for us to write off any fight–the–man protest. But after some of our journalists returned from Occupy Wall Street, it was not uncommon to hear the phrase, “fucking hippies” bandied about the office.
Fringe Arts
Death to the Graphic Novel
I really wanted to hate Art Spiegelman.
As a long-time comic nerd and admitted Marvel-rat, I really despise the whole culture surrounding the graphic novel. People who refer to long-form comics this way almost always fit a mold of snobbish philistines who are quick to dismiss a rich and long-standing comic culture without which their precious graphic novels never would have existed. -
Fringe Arts
Usagi Yojimbo Creator On Samurai Rabbits & 30 Years in Comics
Stan Sakai may introduce himself at dinner parties as simply a cartoonist , but for fans of his Samurai-inspired comic Usagi Yojimbo, he’s more like a legend. The 58-year-old Japanese-American’s series follows the interactions of anthropomorphic animals in 17th century Japan.
Special Issue
Welcome to Concordia
O, you fresh-faced ones, you newborn babes of university students. You, plucked still wet from the womb of high school; you, led straight out the daycare of cegep. Young or old, university makes uncertain, fumbling toddlers of us all.
Say Hi to The Hive
The Hive Café celebrated its opening on April 20, a major step for a project that has been in the works for over a year now. The café, located above Loyola Campus’ main cafeteria, will ideally serve affordable and sustainable food options for Concordia students come September.
Special Issue
“A Woman’s Mind Isn’t Made for Programming”
A few weeks ago, I was taking a cab to the airport. Like me, the driver was a programmer, so we started talking about our favourite languages and sharing some of our own projects.
Know your board
Concordia’s board of governors, the university’s highest governing body, is composed of 40 individuals drawn from the school and the community around it.
Maclean’s has, yet again, ranked Concordia as one of Canada’s worst universities.
And while it might make framing that Concordia University diploma a little less appealing, I personally don’t take it too seriously. With a ranking system that’s about as scientific as a Fox News poll, Maclean’s should probably re-evaluate its scaling methodology.