“Like Talking to a Wall”
Patrick Kelley, Concordia’s Chief Financial Officer, has been tasked with putting together the jigsaw puzzle that is the university’s budget—but the Ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport is holding the final pieces.
Deconstructing ConU
Inside and out, Concordia University is in a seemingly perpetual state of construction.
No Comment
He has at least two cell phones, two email addresses, and an office phone, but Concordia Student Union President Schubert Laforest is nowhere to be seen.
Feeling Disoriented
In late August of previous years, the Concordia Student Union has plastered the campus with posters and handed out flyers detailing the year’s Orientation schedule.
No Means No 101
For the first time, Concordia frosh leaders received specialized training on sexual assault and consent this year.
Waiting in Limbo
Like 45,000 others, the 26 Concordia students charged by the university for their actions during the strikes head back to class Wednesday. They just have no idea for how long.
Pretty Vacant
Concordia’s Board of Governors is missing one key component—a regular undergraduate student representative.
Ganging Up on PQ and Liberals
Following a well-developed party playbook, the answers came easily for the Parti Québécois and Liberal candidates at Thursday night’s English-language…
Talking With The President
Classes don’t start for another week, but there’s already a new face on campus.