An Introduction to the Race Special Issue | Special Issue – The Link

An Introduction to the Race Special Issue

Morag Rahn-Campbell

    Having a space dedicated to exploring the complexities of race, for and by people of colour, is a necessity.

    This is that space. This is that space which exists on the unceded territory of the Kanien’keha:ka. This is that space which exists within a neoliberal university run largely by white people.

    This is that space which exists within a white media framework that favours a false notion of objectivity at the expense of justice.

    This is that space where we exist.

    The Link, too, exists within these systems which, maliciously or not, marginalize people of colour. This special issue is a response, giving people of colour a platform to oppose marginalization.

    Table of Contents

    1. Split Identity
    2. I Want to Talk About Race But I Don’t Know How
    3. Fighting Our Own Biases
    4. Being Brown
    5. Mixed Feelings
    6. Jail of My Ancestors, Shame of Humanity
    7. Across the Line
    8. Lost Crowns
    9. Ubuntu Talks

    For the full issue as a PDF file.

    If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, contact