FAUX NEWS: Breaking News: World Dissolves
NOTHINGNESS, NJ—The universe, long home of the stars and of mankind, came to an abrupt and permanent halt on Monday at approximately 11:31 Greenwich time.
I have a one-track stomach. If the threat of developing Type-2 diabetes and losing a foot weren’t so realistic, I would only ever eat sugary breakfast cereals.
Bang, Bang, Bang
On Wednesday Sept. 22, the Long Gun Registry survived as Paliament voted down Bill C-391—a motion to kill the law—by a slim margin. The Long Gun Registry is still under intense debate.
Don’t Stop, Won’t Stop
When your main mode of transportation is a wooden plank, metal trucks, four wheels and a death wish, the mainstream populace doesn’t really like you around so much.
When skaters try to lob frontside flips on someone’s turf, a big man with big authority has orders to get them out of sight. But I have no qualms with the security guard that’s doing his job—my qualms are with the people upstairs making the rules. -
The university is an institution in a state of flux. The concept of a university hasn’t ever been set in stone, but universities today, as with much of Western culture, seem to be changing their stripes a little faster than we may be used to. Chief among these changes is a shift of priorities away from knowledge and towards money.
FAUX NEWS: Obama, Secret Confucianist
Despite public statements expounding on his Christian faith, President Barack Obama has once again publicly refudiated [note to editor: now a word] rumours and speculation that he is actually a Confucianist.
In late August, I ordered a $3.00 book, with a $12.00 shipping fee, from the U.S.
Can’t (re)touch This
The oversaturated image of leggy, lean ladies that are the faces of the fashion industry may have met their match.
FAUX NEWS: Drug Deal Gone Good
When James McGrey received a phone call from an unlisted number last Friday, he had no idea that half an hour later he would be smoking the biggest and best blunt of his life.