WSSA to Strike a Second Week
The Women’s Studies Student Association held a second General Assembly March 9 and unanimously voted to extend their strike mandate to March 23.
CSU Presidential Hopeful Disqualified
Two members of the A Better Concordia slate, including presidential candidate Schubert Laforest, have been disqualified from the 2012 Concordia Student Union general election.
#CSU12 Debate
After an extremely tame poster night by Concordia Student Union election standards, executive hopefuls from both A Better Concordia and Concordia Could Be held a debate Thursday and made their platforms public.
Province Fines Concordia $2M Over Severance Packages
Quebec is punishing Concordia for shelling out over $3.1 million in severance packages to administrators.
Sociology and Anthropology to Strike
The Sociology and Anthropology Student Union held a general assembly on March 6, ending with a majority vote to be on strike as of Monday.
Students Join International Women’s Day March
A March 8 International Women’s Day demonstration collided with several other protests all taking place in downtown Montreal today.
GUSS GA Update
Geography, Environmental Students and Urban Studies students are still preventing professors from entering classrooms despite a threatening letter from chair Dr. David Greene.
Riot Cops End Student Vigil
A student vigil was violently broken up by riot cops near Berri-UQAM the night of March 7.
Student Tuition Protest Ends in Violence
A large impromptu student protest against tuition hikes moved through Montreal’s busy downtown streets March 8.
Strike Three
An overwhelming majority of attendees who showed up to today’s Concordia Student Union General Assembly have voted for a one week strike starting March 15.