Anti-Police Protestors Few, Non-Violent
Despite black masks and anti-police slogans, Saturday night’s anti-police brutality protest was largely calm and peaceful.
Take Shelter
According to Concordia religion professor Lorenzo DiTommaso, people need to wake up and face the reality that the apocalypse isn’t coming.
Breaking the Blockade By Sea
On August 22, 2008, Greta Berlin and 44 other pro-Palestinian activists left Cyprus in a couple of ramshackle boats in an attempt to deliver aid to Gaza.
A Council Divided
Over the last six months, the Concordia Student Union has been marred by accusations, disqualifications, reinstatements, internal political turmoil and most recently, the resignation of a member of the executive.
Deconstructing the Document
Last spring, Concordia decided to do an external audit of the human resource processes related to its senior management following a slew of departures, resignations and costly buyouts over the past few years at the university.
Going Forward
Concordia’s Board of Governors may have just received the guidance it needs to begin moving forwards from its problem-plagued past.
Aboriginal Women Speak Out Against Plan Nord
Now that Pauline Marois’s Parti Québécois government is in power, the growing uneasiness about what will come of former Premier Jean Charest’s Plan Nord…
Talkin’ ‘Bout Our Reputation
An article published in The Link on Sept. 25 concerning Peter Low, Concordia’s recruitment agent for Chinese students, and the sub-standard living conditions faced by Concordia students living in homestays raised many questions at last Friday’s Board of Governors meeting.
After the Printemps Érable, the Automne Arabe
The climate in Cairo this week felt much like that of UQAM a few months ago.