Fringe Arts
Fringe Arts
Stories from Death Row
Six people who were falsely convicted of murder will have their stories from death row told in The Exonerated, which runs until Dec. 2 at the 4001 Space.
Fringe Arts
Women Behind the Canvas
After being disappointed by what they saw as an underrepresentation of women in their art history courses, six Concordia students have decided to do something to fill that void.
Fringe Arts
Making it Happen Part 2: Solo Artists
Part two of our feature on young entrepreneurial artists trying to make it.
Fringe Arts
A Tribute to Leonard Cohen
For those who can’t wait for Leonard Cohen’s homecoming performances next week—or can’t afford tickets to see the crooning poet live—his music will be performed by local musicians at one of the artist’s favourite eats, Bagel Etc.
Fringe Arts
A Festival for the Emerging
Bouge d’ici is back for its fourth season and is the answer to the prayers of strapped-for-cash dance lovers.
Fringe Arts
Starting a Hip-Hop Dialogue
For any hip-hop enthusiast who’s curious about the inner workings of a local music scene, Slang Rap Democracy II: Deciphering the Cypher offers a more academically-focused look into Montreal’s hip-hop community.
Fringe Arts
Something Publishing Happening
When Concordia’s literary magazine, The Void, held an open call for submissions in 2011, fiction editor Jack Allen received a story so full of “misogynistic, racist, and violent” content, he knew it couldn’t appear in the pages of a student publication.
Fringe Arts
Expanding the Boundaries of Print
Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press was a pivotal technological development in human history, but the craft behind creating print media has often struggled to find legitimacy as an art form.
Fringe Arts
Screening the Unusual
Cinema 17 gives Montrealers the chance to watch undervalued alternative films while slowly sipping a warm mug of tea, or casually enjoying ice cold beer at Le Cagibi.