A Dark Decade
“Though we are not immune to the threat of terrorism, our society is vigilant and resilient. Canada will stand firm with our allies, defending and protecting our democratic values—freedom, human rights and the rule of the law—in the hope of a more secure and peaceful world.”
Looking for a Leader
After an unprecedented administrative shakeup, Concordia is searching for yet another president.
ConU Technical Staff Strikes for First Time in Its History
Not everyone was back to work as usual this past Wednesday, the second official day of the fall semester. Concordia’s downtown technical staff held a one-day strike to pressure the administration into addressing their demands for a new contract.
“Richard Dawkins Is an Idiot”
During a break at the press conference before the Second Global Conference on World’s Religions after 9/11, The Link managed to sneak in a few questions with best-selling author, public speaker and physician Deepak Chopra.
Fixing a Financial Fiasco
Called “un-auditable” by an accounting firm due to shoddy inventory-keeping practices, big changes are coming to CUSACorp, the for-profit wing of the Concordia Student Union
Navy Blues
Most days, when Concordia Student Union VP Advocacy Morgan Pudwell walks through the Hall Building towards the CSU offices, the posters that surround her are from your average student group, promoting their usual student events.
Breaking Ground
Concordians for a Safer Community Now, a new operation run out of the 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy, have big plans for November.
Bylaws for Undergrads: What the Rules Represent
There are major, imminent changes to the Concordia Bylaws and Charter over the next few months that will affect the undergraduate student representation. Here is what will be reported to the Board of Governors on Sept. 28
Overhauling the Board
When the Concordia Board of Governors meets for the first time this school year on Sept. 28, odds are good that when they vote on whether to adopt a series of bylaw changes, they decide to reduce the size of the Board from 40 voting members to 25.
Missing MUNACA
The area in front of McGill’s Roddick Gates were even busier than usual on Sept. 1, as students mingled with members of the McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association’s as they picketed during day one of the union’s strike.