Outcry Outside an Office
With signs held aloft and plastic horns, megaphones and whistles turning the peaceful fall air into a roiling cacophony, several hundred students gathered outside the office of Quebec Education Minister Line Beauchamp on Oct. 5 to protest looming increases to university tuition.
Stephen Lewis Talks Cancer at ConU
Students have the power to change the face of the fight against cancer, was the message of Stephen Lewis, a former Canadian politician and UN ambassador, at a stop off in Montreal.
Community Occupation
With over 1, 000 people camping out in New York City’s Zuccotti Park as part of the Occupy Wall Street protests, tight organization has become a necessity. “The organization of the park has grown immensely over the last couple days,” said one organizer going by the name Paul of the protests, now entering their third week.
Why Are You Occupying Wall Street?
The occupiers of Wall Street are now in their third week of protest against… well, too many things to name. Setting up camp since Sept. 17, the collection of people camping out in front of the New York Stock Exchange have set off a movement that has grown beyond the Big Apple.
Talking With Presidents
After a particularly contentious encounter between Concordia’s administrators and students at the Board of Governors meeting last Wednesday, The Link arranged two, 15-minute interviews with the university’s presidents—Dr. Frederick Lowy and Concordia Student Union leader Lex Gill—to talk about the issues that came up. Here are some highlights.
‘How Many Missing Before you Start Listening?’
The sixth annual March for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women took over Cabot Square Oct. 4, raising awareness and demanding government money for their cause.The march began with a drum circle and a prayer before Bridget Tolley, who founded the annual event …
Going Through the Motions
The second motion the student representatives put forth was to separate Article 23 from the rest being voted on. They argued that this would allow for continued debate on the Board makeup. “People didn’t think we were going to take this seriously,” said de Santis. “But we are going to move forward. […] Other than respect to the one issue…
Activism, Aboriginal Women & Alternative Ideas
Violence against aboriginal women is a problem in Canada, and according to Andrea Smith, it is not one that can be understood, studied or solved as an issue in and of itself.
“Sexual violence is a tool by which Native people become inherently dirty, and by extension inherently rapeable,” she said… -
The Future of the Faubourg
For the administration at least, the Faubourg Ste-Catherine is not off the table.