ASFA to Hold General Assembly, Vote on Student Strike
If you’re an arts and science student, you are going to get the chance to vote on whether or not to strike.
ASFA Elections Undermined
A seemingly routine by-election to fill vacant VP and councillor seats in the Arts and Science Federation of Associations has resulted in questions about the validity of the vote.
BoG Meeting Cancelled
If you are a disgruntled undergraduate that was planning to #OccupyBoG this Thursday, you’ll have to wait another month, as it was announced last week that the Board of Governors meeting—the venue for Concordia’s highest decision-making body—would be cancelled.
$7M for Concordia Research
Established in 2000, the Canada Research Chairs program. invests millions each year to universities across the country to “attract and retain some of the world’s most accomplished and promising minds.
The Struggle Goes On
“Looking very briefly at the evidence, [the replacement workers] didn’t seem illegal—at least the casual workers,” said Kalant. “So that’s another reason [the commissioner] denied the emergency order,” continued Kalant. “Now McGill put this out as saying they’ve been cleared, which they haven’t, because we still have to have the full hearing with all the evidence, and dates have to be set for that. It’s not over yet.”
Needle Point and Counter Point
While Cactus may be operating as a safe injection site as early as April, another similar outreach service recently had to cut back its outreach. Head & Hands, located on Sherbrooke St. W. in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, had to get rid of two street workers in August after its provincial funding was cut by $75,000.
Occupy The Square
Cities across Canada have officially hopped on the Occupy Wall Street juggernaut, which has seen chapters spring up across the western world and as far away as Hong Kong.
Scabs Allowed at McGill
Quebec’s Labour Relation Board has rejected an emergency stop-work order for McGill University.
Highlights from the CSU Council Meeting
The first order of business at the meeting was on the subject of creating a sexual assault centre at Concordia
Controversy Over Development of Northern Quebec
Northern Quebec will soon be coming into some cash.