Fringe Arts
Fringe Arts
From Australia, With Love
If you’re at all familiar with the melodic hardcore music scene, Northlane have surely come under your radar by now.
Fringe Arts
Just a Stranger on a Metro
In the rush-hour scramble to beat the blue-and-white sliding doors, the aesthetics of the metro are the last thing on the average commuter’s mind.
Fringe Arts
Fighting the AAA Culture of Game Development
Montreal is known for its video game industry. Some of the world’s largest studio names have made their home in our backyard, but it’s not all EA Sports games and Arkham Origins.
Fringe Arts
Paintings In Motion
With multiple awards under her belt, film animation student Alisi Telengut is certainly one of Concordia’s proudest exports.
Fringe Arts
Healing Hands
The solo ambience of Mekele plays like the soundtrack to a dream—waves of synths wash over you and soothing vocals ease your thoughts into warm bliss. The experience is relaxing and even healing—and that’s precisely Mekele’s intention.
Fringe Arts
Art Your Heart Out
Holiday staple, the souk @ sat, is celebrating its 10th year of turning the Société des arts technologiques into the go-to place to find local products made by artists from Montreal and all over Quebec.
Fringe Arts
Beauty and the Brains: TingLi Lorigiano
Most people recognize first year Biology major TingLi Lorigiano as VP of Academic and Loyola Affairs for Concordia’s Arts and Science Federation Association. Few know of her secret life as a beauty pageant queen and Miss Chinese Montreal 2014.
Fringe Arts
Welcome the Partycrashers
It’s been a long six years, but A Wilhelm Scream’s new LP is out, and on their terms.
Fringe Arts
In Case of Emergency, Break Dance
Hip-hop is a culture of many layers—art in the form of graffiti, poetry in the form of rap and dance in the form of breaking it down.
Fringe Arts
Apocalypse Meow!
“You Are a Cat in the Zombie Apocalypse!,” the title very loudly speaks for itself. The book tells the story of Holden Catfield, an ordinary house cat who tries to navigate through an extraordinary undead Armageddon.