The Link’s General Elections for Volume 38 Are Almost Here

As it is now, The Link is run by an editorial team of 15 people. But beginning next year with Volume 38, the new masthead will have an additional position as well as a change to a current one.

The new masthead will have a new video editor. Up to this point, we have had one person handling photo and video. With this change, we want to have someone dedicated to making videos in a number of new formats, which will ultimately enhance our coverage.

As well, we are changing the assistant news position to “co-news.” This means that there will be no hierarchy defining the news team as we have now. Historically, finding a differentiation in work between assistant news and news has not been clear. This change will rectify that.

In the graphic above, you will find a description of each position and the eligible candidates. To be eligible, you must have contributed to the current volume four times in four separate issues.

A contribution can include writing an article, taking a photo, shooting a video, illustrating a graphic, or editing pieces for at least three hours during our print production on Monday.

It’s not too late to become eligible—letters, as well as three samples of your Link work, are due in our office by Tuesday, Feb. 21. Our office is located in room-649 in the Hall Building on Concordia’s downtown campus (1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.).

A letter should ideally be a page-long and include your intention and qualifications as to why you are running for a position. You can run for multiple positions.

The elections, which include a public interview process, are on Tuesday, Feb. 28. Because Feb. 21 coincides with the university’s reading week, please contact to arrange a time to come into the office to post your letter.

Hastily Put Together »

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