Simon Liem
Chris Hedges Bets on Grim Future
The former New York Times journalist and author of War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning and Death of the Liberal Class said that the consequences of climate change leave the world very little time to fight against a corporate state that is “hollowing out the [United States] from the inside.”
Champions of Change
On Thursday evening, the Concordia Student Union approved major reforms to the CSU Code of Standing Regulations and the CSU General By-laws, including a restructuring of the executive and the elimination of the slate system.
The Referendums
Three groups appealed to the student body for more funding during last week’s Concordia Student Union elections, but only one got what it was hoping for.
Back to Earth
Soon after Charlotte Cumberbirch signed up with Compost Montreal, the company thought that leaving a bucket of compost on her property was too risky.
Fee Levy Fallout
Three groups appealed to the student body for more funding during last week’s Concordia Student Union elections, but only one got what it was hoping for.
It’s the Grad Students’ Turn
The Graduate Students’ Association is hoping to raise awareness and get more students involved in its upcoming elections—generally an event of low interest for most graduate students.
Slates Duel Over Transparency
In an increasingly heated campaign, both the Action and Your Concordia slates are accusing each other of overspending on this year’s Concordia Student Union elections.
Running With Staplers
Over 70 students scrambled around the downtown campus early this morning as this year’s Concordia Student Union campaign season officially kicked off.
50,000 Rally Against Tuition Hikes
Over 50,000 students, union members and activists from all over Quebec marched through downtown Montreal on Saturday afternoon to protest proposed austerity measures in the upcoming Quebec budget.
Special Issue
Reporting Afghanistan
Shortly after Nikolai Lanine immigrated to Canada in 2000, he again found himself a citizen of a country that was waging war on a place he left over 12 years ago. At 18-years-old, Lanine was drafted into the Soviet army. He served in Afghanistan for 16 months until the Soviets withdrew in February of 1989—just over nine years after the war began.
Special Issue
Extending Canada’s Longest War
For Canadians, June 2011 was supposed to mark the end of the war in Afghanistan.
However, in November of last year, the Harper government announced that after the withdrawal of combat troops from Afghanistan this summer, 950 Canadian troops would remain in country to help train police and military forces.
UdeM Development Approved
A motion passed by City Council last week approving the construction of the controversial Outremont campus for the Université de Montréal has “terribly upset” community groups in Parc-Extension.
“We feel like we’ve been lied to,” said Giuliana Fumagalli, a spokesperson for the Citizen’s Committee of Parc-Extension. -
1,200 Turn Out Against Tuition Increases
Under rain and wet snow, organizers for the Wintry Hot Accessible Love-in for Education registered over 1,200 students, 900 of whom were undergraduates,
‘Canada Playing a Larger Role on International Stage:’ Rae
“[We] are more and more deeply implicated in the world, in its conflicts, in its tragedies, in its imperfections, in its challenges,” said Bob Rae to a crowd at Concordia last week.
Canadian Anti-Terrorist Policy Under Fire
In 1994, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service made Suleyman Goven a proposition: give information to CSIS on activity in the Kurdish community or risk deportation.
Concordia University Systems Engineering Awarded $900K Grant
Cloud computing. If you only occasionally glance at a tech blog, you probably already know that it is “the next big thing.” If you don’t, there is still a good chance you are cloud computing daily.
Taking a STAND for Sudan
In the wake of the recent referendum on secession, creating democratic institutions and developing a viable infrastructure are some of the biggest challenges facing Sudan, said Sudanese journalist Laku Bil.