Nick Laugher – The Link

Nick Laugher

  • Fringe Arts

    A Time to Flourish

    It’s been a tumultuous year for the Montreal-based and Calgary-born group Braids—from ditching the guitar-fuelled art rock that put them on the map, to losing a founding member—but drummer Austin Tufts believes it’s only helped solidify the band’s positive outlook and experimental drive.

  • Fringe Arts

    POP Montreal Diary

    Deerhoof, Peaches, Juicy J., Grimes, Mozart’s Sister, PS I Love You, Buke & Gase, Parlovr, Goose Hut, Yacht Club, Dam-Funk, CAMP, Freelove Fenner, Besnard Lakes, Hundred Watters, The Soft Moon and many more.

  • Fringe Arts

    Deerhoof Goes Pop, But Stays Weird

    No one ever expected Deerhoof to release a pop album.

  • Fringe Arts


    It just appeared randomly on iTunes. No accolades, no announcements, no press releases, no news updates. It just popped up there. It’s called “Default,” and it’s the first single from Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke’s solo project Atoms for Peace.

  • News

    Elections in Brief

    A few highlights of this weeks #QC2012 news.

  • Fringe Arts

    Morbid Poetry, Unique Sound

    Over the past decade and a half, Aesop Rock has nestled himself tightly into a genre-bending niche between verbose, thought-provoking hip-hop and quasar-spiraling beats.

  • Fringe Arts

    Dark, Orchestral Pop

    A man of few words and many mysteries, Montreal-based musician Patrick Krief feels like he’s still trying to wrap his head around his own music and a solo career.