CSU sexual assault policy becomes bylaw | News – The Link

CSU sexual assault policy becomes bylaw

In rare moment of agreement, CSU adjourns after six-minute meeting

The CSU’s Sexual Violence and Safer Spaces Policy will now be added into their by-laws as annexes, making them just as enforceable as other parts of a councillor’s mandate. File Photo Ireland Compton

    The Concordia Student Union unanimously passed a motion to add part of the Sexual Assault Policy to its by-laws during a shockingly brief Special Council Meeting Sept. 23.

    “OPERATION SHORTEST MEETING IN HISTORY IS A GO,” exclaimed Margot Berner, the councillor who brought the motion forward. Berner is also a member of the Standing Committee on Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Violence.

    The only motion on the meeting’s agenda was the addition of parts of the CSU’s 2019 Sexual Violence and Safer Spaces Policy into their by-laws as annexes. By doing so, the policy is now enforceable just like other parts of a councillor’s mandate. Meaning that if a councillor is found in breach of any of the clauses it’s grounds for impeachment.

    The motion included a review of the policy by the CSU’s Policy Committee before the next general election. Not every part of the policy will make its way into the by-laws, however. Section two labelled Training will remain in the CSU’s Standing Regulations.

    That being said, the biggest surprise of the evening was its brevity. The entirety of the meeting only lasted 6:09—a stark contrast from the drawn-out meetings characterized by nit-picking seemingly insignificant words in every motion. Much of the speed of the meeting had to do with the absence of councillors who usually act as the opposition, meaning many of the usual hold-ups did not occur.

    “What am I supposed to do with my Wednesday nights now?” asked Student Life Coordinator Eduardo Malorni, jokingly.

    “Study,” replied General Coordinator Isaiah Joyner.

    This article has been updated to add more information about the creation of the Sexual Assault Policy and its enforceability.