Out-of-province student faces tuition raises and no support
Lack of clear communication from the administration leaves out-of-province student in the dark
The toxic cesspool that is online anime culture
Exploring deep-rooted racism, misogyny and transphobia in online discussions of the animation style
Canadian birdsong is coming to a decrescendo
Canadian bird populations have decreased significantly since the 1970s, with grassland birds in a critical condition.
The dangers of ‘anti-mask’ rhetoric
The rise in “anti-mask” sentiment is harmful for the protection of student activists and for public health.
The rising prominence and exploitation of anti-intellectualism
Amid rising conservatism, unaffordable education, and ignorance legitimized by powerful figures, anti-intellectualism has become prominent in today’s political climate.
Your TikTok algorithm is not your friend
Although social media platforms have been said to be developed to emulate addictive experiences like gambling, TikTok’s algorithm in particular has been scrutinized.
Breaking the cycle of online self-radicalization
Discussing the appeals and dangers of the alt-right rabbit hole and strategies to counter internet radicalization through education, discussion and personal support.
Weekend-long event to promote values of anarchism
Taking place from March 28 to March 30, Rafales anarchist camp is a three-day bilingual camp seeking to promote revolutionary and anti-authoritarian ideologies.
Councillors vote for a special fee levy referendum
At the latest Concordia Student Union regular council meeting, council voted in favour of holding an election solely for fee levy groups because of mistakes made by the fee levy committee.
CREW begins striking for better pay
CREW officially began its strike on March 12. The union is demanding that Concordia University increase the wages of its TAs and research assistants RAs.
In Gaza, ‘We will cultivate it with seeds of love and irrigate it with blood and tears’
In the face of two interconnected crises in Gaza—the deliberate destruction of educational infrastructure and a weaponized food system—community-based approaches have increased to provide alternative education and food distribution networks.
Women’s Day march in Montreal calls for resistance against oppression
Braving the cold, protesters marched through downtown Montreal on International Women’s Day, rallying against imperialism, fascism and systemic oppression.