Special Issue
Special Issue
Les échos du passé
Les manifestations qui débutent le 10 novembre 2011 n’ont rien d’une révolution. Il suffit de se rappeler la mobilisation étudiante de 2005 pour y entendre des échos familiers. L’année scolaire 2004-2005 reste marquée d’un X dans le calendrier des manifestations étudiantes.
Special Issue
Know Your Rights
Being an international student in Quebec means you are required to be a full-time student every semester except the year you’re graduating in order to legally stay in the country—paying, by far, the highest tuition fees in the province.
Special Issue
Un Mot: A Word:
Le 10 novembre 2011, The Link, The McGill Daily et Le Délit se réunissent dans un effort de solidarité pour rejoindre les milliers d’étudiants québécois qui manifesteront dans les rues. Lors de la manifestation, les trois journaux universitaires distribueront le cahier spécialement conçu pour l’occasion.
Special Issue
Breaking Down the Budget
There are a lot of numbers flying around when it comes to the debate about tuition fees in Quebec right now—numbers like $1,625 and $325 and $850 million.
Special Issue
Another Way to Pay
With students energized and united by student unions and lobby groups against the Charest government’s proposed tuition hikes, funding alternatives—like free education, or at least reasonable fees and better governance—are being proposed.
Special Issue
Probing the Propaganda
“With tuition rates expected to skyrocket, it’s important for everyone to be informed about government cut-backs and tuition hikes,” reads a pamphlet distributed by the Concordia Student Union.
Special Issue
King of the Blogosphere
Every morning at 7:00 a.m., François Hoang wakes up, checks his email, gets dressed and—without coffee—sits down at his home office. Then he makes sure that his blog is still running smoothly. With between 100,000 and 200,000 views a week, it’s a pretty important thing to do.
Special Issue
Developing On The Down Low
Despite the presence of the word ‘Arts’ in the company’s name, Yan Pepin found his time at Electronic Arts creatively stifling. T
Special Issue
Get In the Game
Of those who actually know the term, few take e-sports seriously. E-sports—also known as competitive gaming (as in, videogames)—will never be as professional or accepted as mainstream athletic sports.