Sex and Pancakes
I’m a young woman who had infected sweat glands in my groin and armpit area as a teenager, which left faint scars. I have always been incredibly self-conscious about the marks (they resemble chicken pox scars) but I know it isn’t normal and could look weird from a guy’s perspective. My boyfriend of a year and a half wants to be more adventurous with our sex life (public, broad daylight, etc.) but I am scared of him seeing my scars. Should I explain to him what happened? I want to be wild!
—Scarred to Be Seen -
After waking up in a POP Montreal-fueled daze/four-day hangover, I was less than pleased this past Sunday morning.
That Transsexual Guy
I had the privilege this week of interviewing my beautiful friend Jen, of We Happy Trans fame. We met online, where we managed to discuss Kant and flirt for all the world to see. She kindly agreed to answer my questions.
A slice of pizza is not a hard thing to eat. I mean, yeah, it can be a little flimsy at the end, and occasionally the cheese has separation issues and clings to the crust—but overall I think we can agree that consuming a slice is not a difficult task, one that can even be done with relative grace and enjoyment while incredibly intoxicated.
You probably haven’t heard, but Concordia just paid off a pretty embarrassing debt.
Sex & Pancakes
When I was a teenager, I used to hate masturbating in the shower, despite the fact that it sometimes was the only place I could do it.
Letter to the President
Dear Dr. Shepard,
It is not of your doing, yet as the new president of Concordia University you have inherited a culture of contempt, and you are now in a position to facilitate reconciliation in our campus community.
Doing the Debate Dutch
When you arrive in Quebec as an immigrant, or just happen to be an Anglophone living in the province, the message is pretty clear: do yourself a favour and figure out how to parlez-vous Français—ASAP.