When 16-Year-Olds Hold the Key
The people who gave deep-fried Mars bars a place on snack shop menus and the ones who know a dozen different ways to serve cheese curds over fries are finally united over so much more than dubious culinary standards.
Playing With Weighted Dice
Quebec’s much-anticipated Summit on Higher Education is set to take place at the end of February, but it seems the dice have already been loaded against students.
Yes I’m sure. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. I’m leaving the house. I want to turn my computer off.
The year 2015 can’t come soon enough. Since 2009, Concordia’s graduate and undergraduate student unions have been fighting to escape the dastardly clutches of Canada’s largest student lobby group: the Canadian Federation of Students.
Locking Roddick Gates
McGill University’s decision to ask for special powers regarding Access to Information requests filed by some McGill students and reporters from The McGill Daily and The Link has been covered extensively. But a more general discussion about the usefulness of ATI requests has been missing.
TRAC Deserves R-E-S-P-E-C-T
It’s difficult to jump right into an op-ed about the teaching assistants and research assistants’ collective bargaining at Concordia.
Salvaging the White Elephant
Îlot Voyageur is a classic example of a white elephant. The money ran out and the whole thing became more trouble than it was worth. Stranded like a beached whale, it’s large, idle and has a price tag that would make your grandmother blush.
They’re a sort of time-travelling RoboCop of the classroom. They fear not the social codes that keep the rest of us strictly bound. They boldly speak where no twenty-something has dared to speak before. Yes, I’m talking about over-talkative mature students.
Say yes to the press. Starting tomorrow, McGill students will be asked to vote to keep The McGill Daily and its French counterpart Le Délit alive.