When I started drinking coffee I’d chew on a teaspoon of my dad’s Taster’s Choice coffee crystals, chase them with a glass of water, and run out the door. Eventually I learned to manage my time well enough to boil the water first and then put the instant coffee in it.
CSU’s Electoral Reforms Help the Union
It’s election time again at the Concordia Student Union, and in case you hadn’t heard, all but one of the executive positions are uncontested, as are most of the council and Senate positions.
Financial Cuts Threaten ConU’s Fine Arts Faculty
When the Parti Québécois announced cuts to university funding, I knew the Faculty of Fine Arts would get hit. After all, all of Concordia’s faculties were inevitably going to see their budgets cut.
We’re reaching a breaking point when it comes to labour negotiations at Concordia. Last week, our full-time professors joined the ranks of our part-time faculty and steelworker unions by voting in favour of a strike mandate—a first for the Concordia University Faculty Association.
It’s March already, which means the number of new faces at Concordia’s Le Gym is down significantly from the unrealistic high of the first week of January.
A Problem With Austerity
The voices in favour of austerity—higher tuition fees, reduced government spending, wage freezes and layoffs in the public sector—have failed to articulate where they see this finally ending.
Goodbye, Student Productions!
Though not unexpected, the scope of the impending cuts to Concordia’s Faculty of Fine Arts came as a shock to me and many of my fellow students in the Department of Theatre.
Divestment a Step to Ending Climate Change
During Concordia University’s reading week, I made my way from frozen Montreal to the thawing state of Pennsylvania.
It was a bona fide media event. The “national discussion” was promised by Premier Pauline Marois before she was even sworn in last September.