No Money Trail for the ‘Yes’ Campaign
The Concordia Student Union released its annual budget report Friday, but specific amounts pertaining to its spending on the “Yes” campaign for the Student Centre in preparation of November’s referendum still haven’t been revealed.
Israeli Apartheid Week Kicks Off
Ending occupation in the Middle East is a process that has to begin at home, say the organizers of Montreal’s seventh annual Israeli Apartheid Week taking place this week.
All Is Not Well
Another student union VP has resigned, putting forth serious allegations against the union’s executive:
Falsified financial documents, -
What Would Jesus Drill?
Christian organizations in Quebec joined the growing mobilization calling for a moratorium on shale gas exploration last week.
Hey Ho! We Don’t Know?
Most reporters at The Link are used to covering protests, but some of the newspaper’s staff members found themselves to be the target of one upon stepping outside the office yesterday afternoon.
Renewing the Campaign Trail
Haitian presidential candidate Mirlande Manigat was in Montreal this past weekend to raise support for her campaign in the second round of elections taking place this month.
Proof of the Puppeteer
A Concordia student is alleging that former Concordia Student Union President Amine Dabchy has been secretly cooperating with the CSU’s current executive to run a slate in next week’s elections.
Busk a Move
Echoes of Johann Sebastian Bach resound through the basement walls of the Saint-Jean-Berchmans church on Cartier Street in Rosemont.
Morgan Pudwell’s Resignation Letter
To the Concordia community, the Concordia Student Union Council of Representatives, the staff of the CSU, and the current CSU Executive, It has become increasingly clear to me that completing my mandate as Vice-President Sustainability & Promotions of the Concordia Student Union is no longer feasible. The union continues to move in a direction that directly conflicts with my values and this is a path that I cannot support.