Photos of the Year | Pic Picks – The Link

Photos of the Year

The year may not technically be over yet, but as the first half of Volume 33 wraps up, a lot of us at The Link are looking back on the semester.

Our office is filled with people frantically multi-tasking while they write essays, study for finals and edit articles for their section. There may be absolutely zero snow on the ground, and it may be 9 Celsius as I write this, but it’s still December, and ‘tis the season for a year-in-review blog post.

It can be hard to narrow down all of the photos I receive every week to a few that make it to print, and that makes the photo blog that much more important.

I present to you, dear readers, a selection of my favourite photos from the past few months. Photos like these make my job as rewarding as it is and help to, in my opinion, make The Link one of the strongest student newspapers in the country.

See you in the new year!

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