Miriam Lafontaine
Special Issue
CUTV Looking to Attract More Women
Concordia University Television wants you to know that their doors are open to all.
Sustainability Consultations Leaves Some Hopeful, Others Disappointed
Concordia adopted an official sustainability policy meant to guide the school a few months ago, but no concrete action plans have been put in place since then. But that is supposed to be changing soon.
International Students Say They Deserve Better Health Care
At Concordia, that provider is Blue Cross, and their prices of health insurance for international students are the most expensive in Quebec.
CSU Referendum Questions, A Run Down
Voting for the Concordia Student Union general elections will run from March 28 to 30. There are six referendum questions on this year’s ballot. The CSU represents over 35,000 undergraduate students.
CSU 2017 Elections: Meet the Candidates
Voting for the Concordia Student Union general elections will run from March 28 to 30. Three slates are running this year, Team Connect, Team Unity and Embrace ConU. Team Connect is the only slate with candidates for every position. An independent student is also running for General Coordinator. All positions are contested except the Sustainability Coordinator. Quorum for the election is 450.
Faculty and Students Call for More Stability in the German Program
It’s the standard for faculty members at Concordia who work under LTAs. Call outs for LTA positions are made each year, regardless of how well one performs in their position. Once a professor’s three years have run out they have to wait two years to be eligible again.
Man Says Montreal Police Racially Profiled Him
As a Black man, Denis-Lynch, is now bringing complaints of racial profiling to the Police Ethics Commissioner and the Quebec Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission.
Concordia Board of Governors Want More Money and More Security
Since 2010, the most Concordia has been able to borrow from the Quebec government as been $700 million. But they want to increase that amount to $1 billion.
Anti-Fascists Clash With Far-Right at City Hall
Several fights broke out at Montreal City Hall this afternoon after a protest was organized in the name of free speech.
Updated: Downtown Concordia Library Closed Two Days During Reading Week
The Webster Library on Concordia University’s downtown campus will be closed for two days during reading week to make way for renovations.
ASFA Reopens Communication With The Link
The Arts and Science Federation of Association has reversed its decision to stop communication with The Link Newspaper.
CASA Update: Private Messages, Possible Honorarium Changes, and a New Constitution
A motion to read a board member’s private Facebook messages was entertained but failed to pass at a Commerce and Administration Students’ Association Board meeting on Tuesday night.
UPDATED: What Happened At CASA’s Halloween Party?
The Commerce and Administration Student Association’s Halloween party Carnevil went as planned on Oct. 28.
But confusion arose the day of the party when leaks from CASA’s private executive page were posted to the public “CASA-JMSB” Facebook page.
Protesters Demand Open Borders At US Consulate
A group of protesters gathered to block the entrance at the US Consulate earlier today in reaction to U.S. President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on refugees and travellers from Muslim majority countries.
Concordia Adopts New Sustainability Policy
The policy creates several guiding principles on topics like environmental protection, responsible production and consumption, ethical financial management, and the protection of cultural heritages.
Montreal Police Halt Protest Against Trump
Police in riot gear eventually dispersed the group of approximately 100 protesters, who also marched to oppose the far-right, capitalism, and the increase of neo-liberalism in North American politics.
ASFA Elects New VP Communications and Promotions and Independent Councillor
It’s hard to judge whether the Arts and Sciences Federation of Associations is off to a good start this semester, given that the majority of their last council meeting on Jan. 12 was held in closed session.
CSU Takes an Intersectional Approach
In the past month, it added an intersectional feminist position to its Positions Book, which CSU Sustainability Coordinator Lana Galbraith proposed at the council meeting on Dec. 14.
CSU Student Housing Co-Op Expected to Open Sooner Than Planned
The Concordia Student Union student housing cooperative is set to open in July 2018, almost a year earlier than originally planned.