Justin Giovannetti

  • News

    The Return of the Student

    Two months before students elect new representatives, the administration of Concordia Student Union President Heather Lucas was confronted with a drastically different brand of student politics on Thursday.

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    Connect the Dots

    The venue changed, new speakers were selected and the ticket price has doubled, but despite the changes, TEDxConcordia’s organizers say interest has never been higher.

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    The Art of Convincing People

    Five months after new advertising boards started appearing around Concordia’s campus, new details have emerged about the five-year advertising contract that put them there.

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    The Empire Strikes Back

    In 1995, Concordia was in a state of turmoil after poor management and severe turnover had devastated the university’s senior administration.

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    Clearly Red

    Over the past decade, Concordia’s current Board of Governors donated nearly $155,000 to provincial political parties. Nearly 96 per cent of those donations went to the Quebec Liberal Party.

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    The Endless Board

    Thirteen of the Concordia Board of Governors’ 23 community-at-large members have exceeded the maximum term limit set out in the university’s guidelines—some by more than a decade.

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    Clarkson on Everything

    Before former Governor General Adrienne Clarkson spoke with Concordia last Thursday as part of the Concordia Student Union Speakers Series, she sat down with The Link for a few minutes.

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    ‘We’re all mobilized, all of us’

    In the weeks since Concordia President Judith Woodsworth was dismissed, the university’s political landscape has been upended.

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    New Chancellor at Con U

    Concordia’s board of governors appointed Jacques Ménard, the chairman of investment firm BMO Nesbitt Burns, as the university’s new chancellor on Dec. 9.

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    Board Mum on Firing

    With one columnist writing about a “leadership crisis” at Concordia, the first week of classes after the firing of President Judith Woodsworth on Dec. 23 was not a pleasant one for the university’s board of governors.

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    Bradley Manning is a Goddamn Hero!

    In what may have been the first protest in support of a website in Montreal’s history, over 40 demonstrators met outside of the Guy-Concordia Metro station on Dec. 18 to march in support of WikiLeaks.

  • News

    Concordia President Quits

    Three days before Christmas and only halfway into her mandate, Judith Woodsworth has stepped down as president of Concordia University for “personal reasons.”

  • Opinions


    The fall semester claimed a final victim before students returned to university this week, clearing out the last of Concordia’s big names.First Kathy Assayag, the fundraising whiz, departed under a cloud.

  • News

    CEGEP Students Walk Against Tuition

    At the start of a new school week at the CEGEP du Vieux Montréal, students stood outside the college’s entrance on the morning of Nov. 22 and told arriving classmates that the school was closed. All students were locked out.

  • News

    Math Association Challenges ASFA Goliath

    The Arts and Science Federation of Associations, representing 17,000 Concordia students, will undergo a serious shakeup over the next few months. Leading the upheaval will be the Mathematics and Statistics Students Association, which represents 560 members.

  • News

    A Student Faubourg:  Grand Opening 201_?

    The Concordia Student Union Building, should students approve the proposed fee levy this week, will be housed in the Faubourg building at the corner of Guy Street and Ste. Catherine Street West.
    In September, outgoing CSU President Prince Ralph Osei confirmed with The Link that the shopping mall was the site for the proposed student centre building. This fact has been confirmed with five other officials close to the project.

  • News

    It’s Not Clean: Chief Electoral Officer

    Before a single vote was cast in this week’s Concordia Student Union referendum, a nine-page contestation detailing the alleged widespread abuses of electoral law over the one-week campaign fell on the Chief Electoral Officer’s desk.

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    Ownership Unclear

    Every month, the 39 tenants of the Faubourg building make out their rent cheque to Edifice 1616 Ste. Catherine Ouest Le Faubourg Inc. They don’t know where their money goes after that.
    Neither do we.
    “It’s a group of people, they use that name because they don’t want people to know their names,” said Jovette Whiteman, the administrative assistant to building administrator Ziki Zaffir. “It’s like a company number.”

  • Opinions


    For perhaps the first time at this university in a very long time, students are talking.
    In coffee shops from St. Henri to the Plateau, the discussion has centered this weekend around one topic, muttered in the open and inviting debate: the student centre.

  • News

    Dismissed Auditors Fire Back

    The dismissal of two longtime Concordia University auditors by President Judith Woodsworth has created a compromising situation for the school with Quebec’s labour review board. In filing a grievance, the auditors have produced a trail of paperwork showing that the university’s senior administrators participated in the same type of behaviour that led to their firing.