Weekly Fringe: Art events are here and ready to alleviate some of your stress | Fringe Arts – The Link

Weekly Fringe: Art events are here and ready to alleviate some of your stress

Take advantage of the concerts, exhibitions, and films Montreal has to offer!

Graphic Breea Kobernick

    Finals are on the way and school stress may seriously be starting to sink in. Take a break, you deserve it! Check out some of the neat art going on this week. 

    Monday, March 28

    Concordia’s Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery is hosting “Local Records: Andrée Lévesque & Archives Passe-Mémoire.” The creative writing workshop is free and will run from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. It will focus on the power of personal journals and autobiographical writing. The event goes hand-in-hand with the gallery’s current exhibition Moyra Davey: The Faithful. 

    Tuesday, March 29

    Break up your stressful week preparing for finals with a walk through the McCord Museum. Their latest exhibition is Piqutiapiit, by multidisciplinary artist Niap.The exhibition showcases objects and photographs that pay tribute to the work of Inuit women. 

    Wednesday, March 30

    Dance company Agora is presenting La disparition des choses, a dance performance that questions ‘what if nature ceased to exist?’ The dancers perform in a way to keep the memory of the environment alive. The show starts at 7 p.m., don’t forget your tickets!

    Thursday, March 31

    Who says you can’t party the night away on a Thursday? Swedish-Canadian indie band Thus Owls will be performing at Sala Rossa at 8:30 p.m. with doors opening at  8:00 p.m. The band is touring after the release of their fifth album Who Would Hold You If The Sky Betrayed Us? 

    Friday, April 1

    Concordia’s Soundwalk Symposium is hosting a soundwalk every Friday in April at 11 a.m. The soundwalks are led by local artists and aim to “explore postcolonial perspectives and power dynamics that shape the perspectives of listening to our environment.” 

    Saturday, April 2

    The visual arts venue Fonderie Darling is offering a few exhibitions. Currently being showcased is Feedback #6: Marshall McLuhan and the arts, an exhibition part of Marshall McLuhan’s series that looks at media and technology in a revolutionary way. 

    Read more: Lebanese-Montreal artist Nayla Dabaji explores memory and migration in latest work

    Sunday, April 3

    Cuddle up this Sunday and take it easy by watching Evan’s Drum. Available for free by the National Film Board of Canada, the film follows a young boy and his mother and their passion to share Inuit drumming. The film is directed by Montreal-based Ossie Michelin, award-winning Inuk freelance journalist and filmmaker.