Letter: Why I Support Act Together in the CSU elections | Letters – The Link

Letter: Why I Support Act Together in the CSU elections

    In this year’s Concordia Student Union elections, I will be voting for Act Together, an excellent team of student activists who are running for positions on the CSU executive. I support them because of their clear and unwavering commitments to sustainability projects, campaigns and their proven track record of achieving results for students.

    Members of the Act Together slate will be able to engage the Concordia community in the many sustainability initiatives that they have already contributed to through their time in Concordia student politics. They will be an effective voice for students and will not allow themselves to be pushed aside by the university administration.

    To date, this administration has refused to divest from fossil fuels, or even criticize the Quebec government’s radical austerity measures that are already being felt by students, professors and support staff across the institution.

    In this time of reckless neoliberal austerity we need a strong, courageous and well-organized student union that will defend public education and sustainability. I am fully confident that the each and every member of the Act Together slate will be able to deliver results on these and other important issues facing the university.

    —Alex Tyrell