Letter: Vote for Lucinda Marshall-Kiparissis | Letters – The Link

Letter: Vote for Lucinda Marshall-Kiparissis

    Polling for the upcoming Concordia Student Union elections will be upon us shortly, beginning Tuesday March 29 and ending Thursday March 31. During this campaign period, Act Together CSU has been working diligently to promote their progressive vision for the Concordia community.

    Among them, is Lucinda Marshall-Kiparissis, who is running for General Coordinator with Act Together and is an experienced student representative with a wide array of experience.

    I had the opportunity to serve on the School of Community and Public Affairs Student Association with Lucy during the 2013-2014 academic year. During that time, as executive secretary for the SCPASA, she was resourceful, and repeatedly proved she was a problem solver.

    Lucy was organized, punctual, reliable, and always attended meetings well prepared. She was always friendly and personable, with a penchant for mediating disputes and keeping egos in check. Overall, Lucy did a tremendous job fulfilling her duty to advocate on the behalf of SCPA students.

    Most importantly Lucy has always exemplified good politics, not only talking the talk but also walking the walk. She condemned oppressive behavior, was proactive, and encouraged discourse. She supported events and conduct that promoted the diverse groups present within the SCPA community, while upholding a non-hierarchical structure for our executive.

    During the upcoming polling period I urge you to vote for Lucinda Kiparissis, who will do an excellent job as your CSU General Coordinator.

    —Chris Savard