Gene Morrow for VP Academic & Advocacy | Letters – The Link

Gene Morrow for VP Academic & Advocacy

I am writing this letter to endorse Gene Morrow for the position of VP Academic & Advocacy of the Concordia Student Union. I have had the pleasure to work with him over the last year-and-a-half as a fellow senator and I believe that his knowledge, diplomacy and approachability are exactly what the union needs for next year.

I first met Gene when we were both appointed to senate in 2011, and this guy just came out of nowhere. In a very short span of time he had learned everything there was to know about governance at Concordia, and had become one of the CSU’s most vocal and knowledgeable senators. I was extremely impressed by his hard work and impeccable communication skills. His ability to analyze situations, consider alternatives and convey his opinion on senate was an asset to student representation last year when a lot of contentious issues were discussed such as eConcordia, the student strikes and the adoption of the university’s new academic plan.

Over the course of the past year, I have really watched Gene come out of his shell. In addition to his contributions as a student senator, I have seen him become more interested in the CSU and a variety of student initiatives on campus. As a political science student he brought forward concerns that many of his peers shared with regards to decisions made by our department, including but not limited to bell-curving of grades. He mobilized students around the issues, and circulated a petition which he presented to the arts and science faculty council and eventually the dean himself. His interest in actively seeking out solutions to problems students face and using existing channels within our university to reach these goals make him a conscientious and a successful student leader.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for Gene. He is a great listener, humble and represents students with integrity. We share a lot of ideas about how to make student representation on university bodies more inclusive and effective which gives me a lot of hope, that should he be elected, a lot of progress can be achieved next year.

On March 26, 27 and 28 cast your ballot for Gene Morrow—A vote for Gene is a vote for an approachable union that makes academic representation of students a priority.

—Melanie Hotchkiss
Undergraduate Senator