We Love Yu-Hui | Letters – The Link

We Love Yu-Hui

To whom this may concern,

In response to two articles printed recently, “A Vacant Executive” [Vol. 33, Iss. 24] and “CSU Councillor Resigns Over Conflict Of Interest” [Vol. 33, Iss. 21], we on the CSU executive would like to clarify, put some context to and apologize for any misunderstandings on statements regarding our executive administrative assistant Yu-Hui.

Yu-Hui is awesome. Without her hard work, her unbelievable dedication to the smallest details and the years of knowledge and experience she adds to the CSU as an organization year after year, we’d crumble like a poorly built Lego tower.

It lacked context, but this is referred to in “CSU Councillor Resigns,” when temporary position hiring was mentioned. If a process is not clearly defined, we often rely on precedent, union reference, past documents and experience.
In this, employees are invaluable resources of experience and Yu-Hui is a tremendous help when we lack the knowhow. And to be clear, hiring protocol is entirely the hiring committee and the executives’ responsibility.

In the case of our IT issues discussed in “A Vacant Executive,” apologies go out for misstating that “Yu-Hui is taking care of [the IT project].” This is not her responsibility, but that of the executive.

Yu-Hui’s knowledge of the CSU and our services has been instrumental is assessing our needs on the project and the time she has contributed to it has been vital and very much appreciated.

The Information and Technology system overhaul has been and continues to be one of the most important projects we deal with this year and we’re committed to getting as much done as possible, while training the new executive to ensure its taken to a successful end.

We hope this clarifies the situation and we encourage anyone with questions or concerns to be in touch with the executive at any time, as well as send some love to Yu-Hui because she’s great. 

—The CSU Executive