Oil Rich or Dirt Poor
In Venezuela, people are finally fed up with the deplorable living conditions.
Imagine you’re sitting in a room, minding your own beeswax and listening to some sweet Blink-182 tunes or whatever.
Editorial: The Towers of Terror
One certainty within the ever-changing landscape of our academic hub of a city is that there will always be students looking for places to live.
Editorial: Losing Count of Student Space Projects
Like an airport ensnared in a bitter snowstorm, the Concordia Student Union’s large-scale plans remain grounded.
Do you really think that people can’t wait a single second more before hearing what you had for lunch?
Dishonourable Discharge
As I was travelling home by metro this week, I was greeted by a new advertising campaign directly targeting my gender.
The CSU Needs a New Way of Representing You
As it stands, the CSU relies on the active participation of students on its council of representatives, the personal contacts and networks of both executives and councillors and the results of elections and referenda that rarely break 10 per cent student participation to get its mandates and positions.
Editorial: United Against the Charter
Though it took them a while to get it off the ground, the administration has done an excellent job of standing up for Concordia’s values.
I’m considering abandoning my lease, or at least registering for eConcordia and contently doing all my class hours aboard this dream vessel.
Ending the ‘Boycott’
During the 2012 student strike the word “boycott” was thrown around by those opposing it, in contrast to those who saw the legitimacy of student action and referred to it as a strike.