Both Sides of the Brain
C2-MTL, a Montreal business conference that is self-described as an event to “inspire right and left brain thinking,” begins tomorrow.
“The Government Changed the Rules”
After almost 20 hours of non-stop debate and loud opposition by civil liberties associations, student associations, the Quebec Bar Association and opposition MNAs, Bill 78 was passed by the Quebec National Assembly with 68 in favour, and 48 opposed.
Bill 78
Bill 78, a piece of emergency legislation intended to quell student unrest in Quebec received Royal Assent on May 18. The full text of the adopted bill, in both English and French, is below.
Nighttime Riots
After a long day of peaceful demonstrations against tuition hikes, yet another nighttime protest ended with smashed windows, tear gas and many arrests, with last night’s total reaching 122.
UQAM Classes Cancelled After Protests
Hundreds of students stormed the Université du Québec à Montréal to cancel classes on the morning of May 16. The day before a court-granted injunction allowed law students to resume their courses.
Week 14: Still In The Streets
After 14 long weeks, the Quebec student strike continues to rattle the province.
No Thanks, Says CSU
The Concordia Student Union voted unanimously at a special council meeting on May 8 to reject the Charest government’s recent tuition offer.
“Ethics for a Whole World”
The Dalai Lama arrived to speak to 7,000 people at Lansdowne Park in Ottawa on April 27 with the message that the 21st century could be one of peace.
Bus of McGill & Concordia Students Arrested
Busloads of protesters traveled to Victoriaville, QC arriving in the city the afternoon of May 4. Provincial police force Sûreté du Québec had secured…
May Day Mayhem
An anti-capitalist demonstration marking International Workers’ Day ended in an all too familiar way on May 1—with tear gas and over a hundred arrests.