All letters to the editor must be signed and must include your phone number and student ID number. We verify the identities of all of our letter writers. Letters must be 400 words or less, and must not contain sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, or otherwise discriminatory comments. The Link reserves the right to refuse letters with questionable or unacceptable comments. Send your letters to letters@thelinknewspaper.ca.
Hypocritical Editorial
Reading last week’s editorial piece on this year’s Clubs Fair, “Selling Our Souls” [Vol. 31 Iss. 5, Pg. 35], I couldn’t help but notice that this self-righteous piece showed zero self-awareness.
GSA Fight Tuition
The Graduate Student Association (GSA) is an active voice for students angry with university administrators, business leaders on our university governance bodies and Government Ministers who believe the only method to fund public education is to raise tuition.
Fee levies in Question
I am writing in response to the article “Get what you’re paying for” [Vol. 31, Iss.3, Pg. 20], an information piece on Fee-Levy groups at Concordia.
Screw Project Noise
I just wanted to express how strongly I agree with and support last week’s editorial piece on “Project Noise” [Vol. 31, Iss. 4, Pg. 23].
Bienvenue à Montréal!
The writers of the Orientation Issue on Montreal [Vol. 31 Iss. 4, Orientation Special Insert] skipped the most important thing about this city: its specific culture in North America.
Sisterly Love for Lucas
Firstly I would like to speak in support of the newly appointed President Heather Lucas. I have worked closely with her in our sorority Delta Phi Epsilon, and through knowing and seeing her work ethic I have no doubt that she will take the CSU to great heights.
Response to ‘PSA Shaken by Resignations’
In its last issue, The Link ran the article, “Pakistani Student Association shaken by resignations,” (Vol.31, Iss.2, Aug. 31) in which two former VPs accused the president of the PSA, Yassir Aziz, of religious discrimination. They assert that a speaker’s religion was the reason an event was abruptly cancelled, an allegation the president denies.
A Solution to Tuition Conflict
Diego Pelaez Gaetz (“Time to Grow Up”, Vol.31, Iss.2, Aug. 24) is full of questions and impatient for answers. He doesn’t agree that raising tuition is the answer to Concordia’s financial problems, but he himself offers no alternative, leaving it to people like Mr. Osei and his successor Ms. Lucas.
Response to ‘Assigned and Undemocratic’
“Representing Concordia students is a privilege and a responsibility.”
The Water Bottle Ban Makes Sense
The reason that bottled water is singled out amongst all beverages sold on campus is simple: because it is the only drink that is freely available right next to where you are buying it.